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Thread: Tactic suggestion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Tactic suggestion

    Hello people of top eleven forum
    I am new here nice to meet ya all my name is dimitris
    I just started playing i am in the half of my first season
    I spent all my 40 starting tokens to build a strong team since i started at the middle of the season i find my team laying on 11th position i went two positions up now I am 9th
    I tried to build a good team that its strong point will be a hardcore midfield
    So I am between two formations
    A 4-2-3-1
    2 center backs 2 full backs with forward arrow
    2 defensive midfielders
    3 central midfielders two of them with forward arrow and the other with back arrow
    And of course the striker

    The other one is a 4-2-2-1-1
    2 center backs 2 full backs with forward arrow
    2 defensive midfielders
    2 central midfielders with forward arrow
    1 central attacking midfielder
    And the strike
    Both with the same instructions
    Short passes
    counter attacks
    Play through the midfield

    Intensive pressing
    normal tackling
    Man to man marking

    Which of the two formations are the best
    And which fits more with the instructions

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Hardly anyone plays any of those formations... Those formations will work vs. some teams and will be weak vs. some other teams... My point is, there is no formation working great vs. any other formation... The first formation seems too much defensive for me... and I played similar formation to the 2nd one, few seasons ago (2 ST instead of AMC and ST)... It worked just fine at the beginning and it just stopped working at some point...

  3. #3
    Famous HoofDaddy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    keep playing friendlies and testing your squad out in different formations until you find a shape that best fits your team and orders. I like using double dmcs as well to counter all the narrow diamond sheep. Versatility in your players will allow you to shift between a variety of formations during a game. Triple position players are coveted for this exact purpose.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    So far I have been using the first formation and the results were these
    Tactic suggestion-screenshot_2015-09-11-12-14-35.jpg won 3-0 away
    Tactic suggestion-screenshot_2015-09-11-12-14-46.jpg won 3-1 home
    Tactic suggestion-screenshot_2015-09-11-12-15-04.jpg draw 0-0 away
    Tactic suggestion-screenshot_2015-09-11-12-15-15.jpg draw 2-2 home
    I will use the second one today I made an adjustment though i turned counter attacks of i read somewhere that when you are playing attack it is better without the counter attacks i ll see how the following games will go with the second formation and i'll update
    If anyone else has anything to discuss and suggest feel free to do so i still want to listen to opinions

  5. #5
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Hi and welcome

    First of all I think that been 1/2 season many times is not easy to manage and try to be 4th for a Champions league spot.
    My form to play is not with counters, I just simplify, use same formation all seasons just, maybe during the match I move 1 player of position, and change my 4-3-1-2 for a 4-1-2-1-2 diamond or a 4-3-3 + the defense sometimes I play the 4 men in DL-DC-DC-XX-DR in the place of the typical 4 with empty middle.

    I think that a manager only need to do the basic work of every season (replace retired players/players that do not work, prove in friendlies the best man for corners and fouls (1 man for every position) ) and take a look at the page of stats of the team, to decide despite the Quality of the team if players are worth or not.

    That's the basic work to do in the whole team then, there's the work during live matches, attend, control the possession and have a 2nd group of tactics for a case in what the other team have the control + do substitutions of the players MC/ST that do not appear in 50 minutes for me is the basic work of always that gave me good results.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Even though you've got two DMC's, they are technically still considered midfielders. If you want to be defensive just have a row of five defenders. You use counter attacks but use short passing. Cancels itself out. If you're defensive, use long passing with counters, not short. You actually have five midfielders even though you use two DMC's. You might as well go attack more as you will have more possession with 5 mids. Utilize one of those DMC positions and put in an attacking mid.

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