I should go to bed, server reset time is close, and new season to. I'll set alarm to wake up on nordgen time![]()
I should go to bed, server reset time is close, and new season to. I'll set alarm to wake up on nordgen time![]()
Point taken, but there's still a lower percentage chance that one of two players will be sent off VS one of four players being sent off. For me it's pretty darn rare that a player gets straight up sent off during a match, but when you are talking about any one of four, I'd rather not chance the RNG.
Manager of Foresters FC and Guide FC. Both teams on server '161'.
Wondering if I took the time to type out that fancy formation? Nah, check out my python script!
If we talk about red cards, then 442 hexagon has same problem If one mc gets red card, but people still use that formation, so that is not big disadvantage.
I've bought players today for this formation, but I'll wait with 1st test because my strong cup opponent uses 413n2.
i think i can beat you with this:
anyway, you will tell us your results.... good luck.
I would like to confuse opponents with this unusual formation. It seems no one has experience with that, so finnaly something "new" in this game for me to discoverI have weak CL group opponents (2 stars difference), I may use it against them.
4-4-2 and 4-5-1V are the best formations in the game for me. Start with 4-4-2ND and switch to 4-5-1V if I want to play defensive after scoring a couple of goals. I know that those formations are pretty standard but they don't have a real counter formation and they have carried me from lvl 1 to lvl 5 with 24wins-0loses-0draws in the last league I played.
"Human relationships didn't work anyhow. Only the first two weeks had any zing, then the participants lost their interest. Masks dropped away and real people began to appear: cranks, imbeciles, the demented, the vengeful, sadists, killers. Modern society had created its own kind and they feasted on each other. It was a duel to the death...in a cesspool."
@jacks and LaKu: how is that related with 3n-3w-3w-1?
I know for these formations, i just wanted to try new formation and your thoughs about it: have you tried it, what do you think about +/- of this formation etc. I made mistake and bought mildfielders more than defenders, i'll have to sell someone because i can't play with 6 of defenders (DML-DL, DC-DMC and DMR-DR are playing DM line in mildfield)