And boateng got thrown out of the ghana national team together with muntari, as they argued with the coach, according to boateng words were used like f!@k off n so on. I guess that's the german blood in him, bad for ghana two key player..
Proud of u boateng haha
Well i forgot to mention muntari was beating up an official of their federation, and the team still waits for their money from their federation, so yes, African n football.... So weird
And that makes portugal probably beats ghana, now without two of their best guys
Last edited by Cat Harrison; 07-26-2014 at 02:48 AM.
And maybe the games postponed due to very heavy rain
But looks like it's gonna take place n all will swim, that much to a nice game...
Suárez 9 games off, very nice..
And no league games untill October first time fifa did something correct lately
Last edited by Peter Renn; 06-26-2014 at 03:22 PM.
Suarez is suspended again, 9 games from National team and 4 months from football, what a face palm for him, Uruguay and Liverpool)
FC Bristbury
Season 5, Level 5
League Winners Levels: 1, 2, 3 & 4
Champions League Winners Levels 2 & 3
Double X 2 (League and Champions League), Levels: 2 & 3
Murray to win Wimbledon!
A well deserved punishement!
I still vote for muzzle.![]()
Last edited by Cat Harrison; 07-26-2014 at 02:48 AM.
Not so many achievements:
Team's showcase: The PaceWhores (Lithuanian team)
Season(lvl) League Champions l. Cup 1(1) 1st - Prel. 2(2) 1st 3rd Top 16 3(3) 1st Top 16 Playoffs 4(4) tbc. tbc. Playoffs
Can't wait.. soon!
Expressed above is my own opinion. ☻ Your results may vary.
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