waiting for the song 'internet killed the television star' (video killed the radio star, buggles)
The Sopranos
The Wire
Breaking Bad
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Shield
Battlestar Galactica
waiting for the song 'internet killed the television star' (video killed the radio star, buggles)
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The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
kudos to cat
breaking bad by far, every episode was gold.
Sopranos (rip james gandolfi) & Game of Thrones have had good & bad episodes and so far in my opinion, Game of Thrones is on a terrible form. I don't remember the last episode that left me in suspense and the season opener was terrible in my opinion.
I watched every episode for the walking dead but I don't consider it top 5, I found the season finale terrible even though the producer said it would be amazing, huge disappointment.
I'm only 14, I watch a lot of TV![]()
ANYONE that didn't vote for The Wire obviously hasn't seen the wire. Had it been on any other network but HBO and it was on regular TV it would of dominated awards, etc... didn't get as much recognition because it was an HBO program.. Google search it Top Ten Shows of 2000s 9/10 websites have The Wire as number one. Watch it people it is a great show and really really goes in depth about American Politics and what not and crime.. It is also realistic not like CSI or something!
Breaking Bad> Sherlock> Game of thrones> Arrow> Super Natural...
Has to be 24! absolutely AWSOME!!!!!!!!., The wire was good I watched the whole lot on, on demand with sky!, the new Batllestar Galactica is wiered to say the least!, I used to watch Lost but that got just ridiculous.
If I was to name my top 5 it would be as follows.
1 24!
2 Criminal Minds.
3 Bones.
4 Game of Thrones.
5 Silent Wittness.
Shaktimaan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All Serials......
My vote for Buffy the Vampire Slayer....
Not fair! I've not watched TV for 20 years.
I've only seen Breaking Bad from that list, so it wins by default. It was pretty good though tbh!
At least there wasn't any stupid programs on it like Grange Hill. Anyone remember Rowland on that program lol!