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Thread: Freedom of Speech

  1. #1
    Pro Celtic's Avatar
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    Freedom of Speech

    I was reading a Normal Educated Thread describing how a customer got a series of automated replies but I can't find it now, so I presume it was removed (fortunately I have it on PDF).

    So, what type of forum is a forum where:

    You can not express anything but opinions. And you shall not tell if they are empirical or not.
    You only get hospitality from the staff if you praise the game like a happy child.
    Your complaints are encouraged to be added to a common "discontentment dump".
    You are encouraged to submit tickets to the game staff, instead.
    However you can not describe your experience with the customer service.
    You must remain silent about the fact there's no human support.
    You can not tell how things work if you learn how they work.
    Your threads get arbitrarily deleted or merged if they are seen as inconvenient (anything that does not say good things about the game, specially if they are real.).
    You have no right to defend yourself. There's not even a section to reach the staff.
    You can not know who are the admins, mods, if they are payed to work here, who decides what, who comes and goes. You can not make questions about the staff at all.
    And occasionally if you get an administrator online, he'll happily reply to your message, but next day you'll notice he disabled his Private Messages, so that you can not catch him again.

    What's this "Forum" then?

    Can we shed this oppressive aura for one day and have a moment of frontal clarity about its purpose?
    Last edited by Celtic; 05-28-2014 at 06:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Pro Celtic's Avatar
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    PS: And will I be penalized as well for writing this?

  3. #3
    vad is offline
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    I received PM from volunteer moderator who indicated that this is against the rules, so he removed it. Indeed:

    3. Privacy

    Private communications between forum members, moderators, Top Eleven employees, and affiliates or partners of Top Eleven should remain private.

    Forum Content placed in public channels must not include copies of private communications, including (but not limited to) support tickets, emails, private messages and chat logs.
    Last edited by vad; 05-28-2014 at 06:48 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator Sxrenity's Avatar
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    I'll say this straight off -

    Moderators & Pricop (Supermoderator) are in no way affliated with Nordeus.

    We're all regular players of Top Eleven like everybody else on the forum.

    It is the Admins that are a Nordeus staff, and they have a hell of a lot more power than us.

    All we do is make sure everyone sticks to the forum rules (which have been set by Nordeus.), move threads to appropriate sections & redact bad language.

    We're available at any time - just send us a Pm. I myself reply to multiple messages a day from players asking for advice.

    The reason you may not be able to get through to the Admins is that the private message folder can only hold a maximum of 250 messages - you can understand that it's quite possible that they may receive more messages than this a day.

    If you would like to put something forward, yet cannot reach them - simply ask a moderator & we'll forward it to them, we've had to do this multiple times with users who have had trouble activating their accounts.
    Skidz likes this.
    Liverpool FC - Team Showcase

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    I don't claim to be a Top Eleven expert but, if anyone would like advice, please don't hesitate to contact me through 'private messaging', I try to reply as soon as possible.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Yes one of the Administrator has disabled his private message...But the question is why he has done so...You are the Administrator you should listen to the forum members complaints...

    I have seen many forums but this is most pathetic of all...Banning people is a normal routine...You cannot say any thing...If you say the truth about the game you become the bad guy and every one is after you...You may also be banned for this...

    And many loads of uncountable SH*T...
    Last edited by Siddharth Shanker Singh; 05-28-2014 at 06:55 PM.

  6. #6
    vad is offline
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    172 the end, they suffer, and their company. Such as, some months ago I actually tried to contact their media group and find out about their prices to advertise, seriously, I was considering advertising for my own company. Of course, received zero reply. So in the end, who suffers? they. Same as they lose their advertising revenue when their commercial does not work.

    It's after all their own private business, and in the same way as we have freedom of speech, they have the freedom to run it as inefficiently as they want.
    Green Lion likes this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    @Celtic I love your posts and each and every point you put up...
    July Fourth, Celtic and Bogdalinho like this.

  8. #8
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    "You can not express anything but opinions. And you shall not tell if they are empirical or not."
    Uh, hahah.. Yes, the only thing one can do is express own's own opinion, what a bummer. You are welcome to describe your empirical experiences with the game.

    "You only get hospitality from the staff if you praise the game like a happy child."
    I am friendly to all. People who break the Rules will hear from me, but I do try my best to be respectful and polite, unless the tone has already been changed by them.

    "Your complaints are encouraged to be added to a common "discontentment dump".
    The Vent thread is for inspecific ranty type posts. Specific issue discussion are not moved there.

    "You are encouraged to submit tickets to the game staff, instead."
    Absolutely since they can tabulate input and we cannot. Basically your "vote" has weight there since there is a record of it.

    "However you can not describe your experience with the customer service."
    True, this isn't the place for that.

    "You must remain silent about the fact there's no human support."
    Now that is just mean to the people who work there.

    "You can not tell how things work if you learn how they work."
    Not sure what you mean there.

    "Your threads get arbitrarily deleted or merged if they are seen as inconvenient (anything that does not say good things about the game, specially if they are real.)"
    It is NOT arbitrary, threads get moved to appropriate Sections, and Rule breaking ones are closed or removed.

    "You have no right to defend yourself. There's not even a section to reach the staff.
    You can not know who are the admins, mods, if they are payed to work here, who decides what, who comes and goes. You can not make questions about the staff at all."
    It's in Quick Links: Show Groups - Top Eleven Forum

    "And occasionally if you get an administrator online, he'll happily reply to your message, but next day you'll notice he disabled his Private Messages, so that you can not catch him again."
    Sxrenity covered this.

    What's this "Forum" then?
    This: " The Top Eleven Forums are a place for positive and constructive interactions between people that play Top Eleven or that have an interest in Top Eleven."

    "Can we shed this oppressive aura for one day and have a moment of frontal clarity about its purpose?"
    Poetic but ambiguous to me.
    Sxrenity likes this.
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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  9. #9
    VIP July Fourth's Avatar
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  10. #10
    Pro Celtic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Harrison View Post
    Now that is just mean to the people who work there.
    I won't dissect the post like you did, trying to slam me down.

    The man tried to talk to them, but what he found out was a bot with lots of programmed messages. This is mean.

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