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Thread: Prevent Cup competition from professional tanking teams

  1. #21
    Pro Nebu's Avatar
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    Jul 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    at some point, I think that there must be some minimum communication between the devs and the players of the game (the "customers").
    In serious decisions like this we 're talking, they could give some feedback to our thoughts, problems, suggestions and say for example

    "We liked your suggestions about this and thinking for plan A or plan B.
    We cannot implement plan C because it's impossible from game's engine and plan D might cause some problems and bugs.
    So, what do you prefer ?
    What could be the pros and cons of A and B ? "

    NIK, I may be new to the game but what you have said is not far from the truth. There is a vast distance between the real engineers of the game, and the real players of the game. And it leaves us with the opinion that they don't care: "play our game or leave, we don't care".
    The Nebuchadnezzar exploring T11

  2. #22
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Here is that team from 1st post (as now we can see the trophies of other teams).
    One year staying in the same lv, winning every cup.
    Prevent Cup competition from professional tanking teams-tasos-3.jpg

    Prevent Cup competition from professional tanking teams-tasos-3-12-cups.jpg

    But if he and other pro tankers could play between them with those 170% q (no matter the level), it would be fair.
    The same with the C.L.. You were tanking but won the C.L. ?
    Then play free of lv, vs teams with same quality.
    maloukees likes this.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Nordeus should delete this team !
    Or force him to level up each season !!!!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    Here is that team from 1st post (as now we can see the trophies of other teams).
    One year staying in the same lv, winning every cup.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	tasos 3.jpg 
Views:	22 
Size:	65.7 KB 
ID:	116401

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	tasos 3 12 cups.jpg 
Views:	22 
Size:	24.4 KB 
ID:	116403

    But if he and other pro tankers could play between them with those 170% q (no matter the level), it would be fair.
    The same with the C.L.. You were tanking but won the C.L. ?
    Then play free of lv, vs teams with same quality.
    It should all based on quality of the team the draws and like the poll of the other post say,,,..
    Nordeus bring back the limit quality for all ....

    Tanking and abusing the system is also disappeared that, brings back the enjoyment for all the other back!!

  5. #25
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    8* and 9* moved vs +2 levels and done lol

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