Prevent Cup competition from professional tanking teams .
What I mean
this team, Liverpool, it's a secondary account of some player, created in the beginning of 2018, only to be used in asso games.
After a lot of training and friendly games, it's a team above 200% quality that keep staying at lv1.
I don't care about asso platinum competition as most of the teams there are using any kind of new or old trick or exploit the game is offering.
I like to play in Gold 1 with friends, for fun only.
The thing is that teams like this , pro-tankers, go for the Cup every season and winning it easily, despite if they are playing vs +1 LV teams (which is the limit lv above or bellow).
Putting teams in a +1 LV above in the Cup or CH.L., I guess it's good for nordeus business but in that case, why someone bother to play or invest for the Cup or treble, if the winner is known after the draw ?
So my suggestion is that the Cup must have teams without counting their level (but better to be in near levels, +-10 so to have similar sources), playing with the quality of their level, like we see in those contests.
The draw can be with the known system of similar quality.
* The game is offering an 8* player for 1039 tokens when Liverpool has a 12* player for free
(those values are all from LV1)