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Thread: Prevent Cup competition from professional tanking teams

  1. #1
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Prevent Cup competition from professional tanking teams

    Prevent Cup competition from professional tanking teams .
    What I mean
    this team, Liverpool, it's a secondary account of some player, created in the beginning of 2018, only to be used in asso games.
    After a lot of training and friendly games, it's a team above 200% quality that keep staying at lv1.
    I don't care about asso platinum competition as most of the teams there are using any kind of new or old trick or exploit the game is offering.
    I like to play in Gold 1 with friends, for fun only.

    The thing is that teams like this , pro-tankers, go for the Cup every season and winning it easily, despite if they are playing vs +1 LV teams (which is the limit lv above or bellow).

    Putting teams in a +1 LV above in the Cup or CH.L., I guess it's good for nordeus business but in that case, why someone bother to play or invest for the Cup or treble, if the winner is known after the draw ?
    Prevent Cup competition from professional tanking teams-tasos-1.jpg

    So my suggestion is that the Cup must have teams without counting their level (but better to be in near levels, +-10 so to have similar sources), playing with the quality of their level, like we see in those contests.
    The draw can be with the known system of similar quality.

    * The game is offering an 8* player for 1039 tokens when Liverpool has a 12* player for free
    (those values are all from LV1)

    Prevent Cup competition from professional tanking teams-tasos-2.jpg
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    So, what is 100%+ means stay in +1 LV comp and +140% means +2LVls?

  3. #3
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    no, means that Liverpool with that quality might play vs managers of LV74 who have a similar (asso) quality, or with those Turkish 9* asso teams .
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  4. #4
    Addicted IImaestroII's Avatar
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    Jul 2017
    This kind of things are ruining the game, i don't know why Nordeus didn't take any action about this.... they are aware of it, 100% sure.I never tanked but i don't blame tankers, they are using a loophole in the system that permit to do that( and is up to Nordeus to close that ) but is getting too much, is like a culture already( Hey bro i just started this game , how to win ? just tank ..... end ) playing the legit way is hard as hell now. It is also wrong to say " Nordeus make money from this" that is not true, if you are on platinum Asso and manage to stabilize your position you get 100T every month , like a salary lol, all free and thanks to system flaw.

    I like your Idea btw

    “Football is born in the brain, not in the body"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Nice idea.

  6. #6
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    This is a kown issue.
    Here a team we played for asso games, doing the same

    Prevent Cup competition from professional tanking teams-turk-team-2.jpg
    Prevent Cup competition from professional tanking teams-turk-team-1.jpg

    but it's not only the Cup, some tanking teams go for the double

    Prevent Cup competition from professional tanking teams-giu.jpg

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    tanking should have a top limit and manipulation must stop.
    maloukees likes this.

  8. #8
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I already have made two suggestions about tanking and limits

    but as it can't be, at least they can make the draws by quality and not level - as it is in Golden leaf, KotH and asso games.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    The cup draw should be looking to their best 11 players and nothing else..

    So the tankers play against tankers
    Nebu likes this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Way more easy for Nordeus to stop that exploit is to promote all teams to the next level. End of story. Fast and easy.
    maloukees likes this.
    Oι παικτες μας δεν ειχαν κινητρο. Οι αντιπαλοι ηθελαν περισσοτερο τη νικη. . (Σχολιο βοηθου μετα απο νικη με 4-0) Η μαγεια των προγραμματιστων του T11.

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