View Poll Results: What improvements would you like to see on 2019?

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  • 3D Graphics

    13 15.12%
  • Recovery the old Museum

    8 9.30%
  • Job Center - start with a ew club as before-

    13 15.12%
  • Top 100 FAs -Elimination?-

    18 20.93%
  • Academy Improvements & General Market Improvements

    55 63.95%
  • Simulation Realism (Game actions, when these 2 guys pass-pass x50 )

    30 34.88%
  • Fix Mutants Adding Skill Limits again or somehow

    32 37.21%
  • High Scores as Before (as where more proportional)

    13 15.12%
  • -Fix Game engine - Beatability Margins & General Simulation

    55 63.95%
  • Eliminate the Interferance between FA-Regular Comp (different formation spot)

    11 12.79%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: 2019 What are your priorities

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    a Day 100 rest please

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    apart from game engine and troll results getting fixed, and top100 from associations being closed, i think they should make the game more based on the manager. something like:

    - being able to chose what player (position) do you need your scout to search for, and the next day the recommendations to be on that position
    - old training system was better - train your player, get skill points, and then chose where you want to boost your player
    - maybe 2 transfer markets: one just like it is right now with nordeus bots, and one for selling your players and buy players from another managers, just like before (only from your server)
    - receive some kind of prizes when you win the championship (for ex: 1st place: 30t, 2nd place: 20t, 3rd place: 10t), cup, and ch league (tokens, greens, blue packs...) because money are useless. and for ex at my level a player is 128M and the prize for winning ch league is 108M... can't buy 1 player
    - i'm not saying 3D animations, but at least a replay of the match in case i couldn't be able to attend the match... actually see how my team performed because statistics many times don't show what actually happened in field.
    - i have 3K red packs which i'll never use. being able to convert them to greens or blues will be a nice feature. not 1:1, let's say 2 reds = 1 green.
    - better players from youth academy... i'm ok paying 20-30t on a player who's 5* and even has an SA. best now is 14t and 80%. 90-99% for 30-35t i think is ok (but he must be fast trainer)
    - being able to cancel an offer for a player on negotiations list, not wait 24hrs to get your tokens back. and no more 0t offers please ) minimum 1t
    - when you reach top of your server and you play against same teams all the time and the fun is pretty much over, it will be nice to be able to start with another team, but with some advantages than new users. like more tokens, more money, not losing the inventory, shirts, emblems...

    if i got other ideas i'll continue the list
    khris, maloukees, milpol and 5 others like this.

  3. #13
    Dreamer jcohen42's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Philadelphia, USA
    I really think Market improvements should be higher, based on all the complaints I see about Negotiations. At least, I would have expected that.
    khris likes this.


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by funker View Post
    apart from game engine and troll results getting fixed, and top100 from associations being closed, i think they should make the game more based on the manager. something like:

    - being able to chose what player (position) do you need your scout to search for, and the next day the recommendations to be on that position
    - old training system was better - train your player, get skill points, and then chose where you want to boost your player
    - maybe 2 transfer markets: one just like it is right now with nordeus bots, and one for selling your players and buy players from another managers, just like before (only from your server)
    - receive some kind of prizes when you win the championship (for ex: 1st place: 30t, 2nd place: 20t, 3rd place: 10t), cup, and ch league (tokens, greens, blue packs...) because money are useless. and for ex at my level a player is 128M and the prize for winning ch league is 108M... can't buy 1 player
    - i'm not saying 3D animations, but at least a replay of the match in case i couldn't be able to attend the match... actually see how my team performed because statistics many times don't show what actually happened in field.
    - i have 3K red packs which i'll never use. being able to convert them to greens or blues will be a nice feature. not 1:1, let's say 2 reds = 1 green.
    - better players from youth academy... i'm ok paying 20-30t on a player who's 5* and even has an SA. best now is 14t and 80%. 90-99% for 30-35t i think is ok (but he must be fast trainer)
    - being able to cancel an offer for a player on negotiations list, not wait 24hrs to get your tokens back. and no more 0t offers please ) minimum 1t
    - when you reach top of your server and you play against same teams all the time and the fun is pretty much over, it will be nice to be able to start with another team, but with some advantages than new users. like more tokens, more money, not losing the inventory, shirts, emblems...

    if i got other ideas i'll continue the list

    Most of your ideas are what we've be asking nordeous for years.. At a point in time I annoyingly uninstalled the game only to come back about a year later and meet the exact same thing.. The only changes was national team..

    They're not listening to us. Its pointless giving ideas nobody cares about. When I uninstalled the game I basically got tired of the league.. We need more than cash rewards for winning championships.
    khris, iptables and Buster Keaton like this.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by eurofieds View Post
    Most of your ideas are what we've be asking nordeous for years.. At a point in time I annoyingly uninstalled the game only to come back about a year later and meet the exact same thing.. The only changes was national team..

    They're not listening to us. Its pointless giving ideas nobody cares about. When I uninstalled the game I basically got tired of the league.. We need more than cash rewards for winning championships.
    Never give up mate
    Just wait for 1 time they listen and then everything can change.
    maloukees and khris like this.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by funker View Post
    apart from game engine and troll results getting fixed, and top100 from associations being closed, i think they should make the game more based on the manager. something like:

    - being able to chose what player (position) do you need your scout to search for, and the next day the recommendations to be on that position
    - old training system was better - train your player, get skill points, and then chose where you want to boost your player
    - maybe 2 transfer markets: one just like it is right now with nordeus bots, and one for selling your players and buy players from another managers, just like before (only from your server)
    - receive some kind of prizes when you win the championship (for ex: 1st place: 30t, 2nd place: 20t, 3rd place: 10t), cup, and ch league (tokens, greens, blue packs...) because money are useless. and for ex at my level a player is 128M and the prize for winning ch league is 108M... can't buy 1 player
    - i'm not saying 3D animations, but at least a replay of the match in case i couldn't be able to attend the match... actually see how my team performed because statistics many times don't show what actually happened in field.
    - i have 3K red packs which i'll never use. being able to convert them to greens or blues will be a nice feature. not 1:1, let's say 2 reds = 1 green.
    - better players from youth academy... i'm ok paying 20-30t on a player who's 5* and even has an SA. best now is 14t and 80%. 90-99% for 30-35t i think is ok (but he must be fast trainer)
    - being able to cancel an offer for a player on negotiations list, not wait 24hrs to get your tokens back. and no more 0t offers please ) minimum 1t
    - when you reach top of your server and you play against same teams all the time and the fun is pretty much over, it will be nice to be able to start with another team, but with some advantages than new users. like more tokens, more money, not losing the inventory, shirts, emblems...

    if i got other ideas i'll continue the list
    Great idea, please Nordeus the sugestions

  7. #17
    Addicted NekoIzMase's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    I see they are doing some stat cosmetics for T11 2019, as far as cosmetics are concerned I wouldn't mind seeing Head to head stats against other managers. After they fix obvious game engine and mutants.
    khris likes this.

  8. #18
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    Definitely need to fix the game engine algorithms because I'm sick of seeing and experiencing troll results that defy logic.
    Secondly, tanking is the scourge of T11. Get rid of the Top100 for a start and promote everyone every season with a 20% loss. Why should failure be rewarded even if self induced?
    khris, Hunter and Buster Keaton like this.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  9. #19
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Missed the close training for tankers -only in players that reach the 7*-

    and Merge servers, which is needed....

    ohh... and no Players with a single skill 160+ available for Nego's so we could cut the more extreme upselling.....

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    #Fix association bugs
    #New Shop and items
    #New Music
    #Maybe new league image
    #Change training
    # - 20% for all, tankers too
    #Prizes for more association
    #More events and tours
    #Fix results of strange games
    #New transfer menu
    #New stadium upgrade
    #New contracts for many and tokens
    #Frendly matches with real Q.. Outside association

    Poslato sa RNE-L21 uz pomoć Tapatoka
    dave1311, khris, milpol and 2 others like this.

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