I see that you are using two formations - 4-3-3 and 4-3-1-2. Do you use the same settings and arrows when you play 4-3-1-2? What differences you noticed between the two formations?
I see that you are using two formations - 4-3-3 and 4-3-1-2. Do you use the same settings and arrows when you play 4-3-1-2? What differences you noticed between the two formations?
Yea, sometimes I put a ST as AMC, or, a MC, Zé Roberto (because in friendlies score a lot as AMC) in this position.
I play always with the same arrows to create what I call "regular lines"... and too because I think that more red arrows are = more players avaliable for the attack.
I see that against some formations if I put the ST Zumalakarregui, or my MC Zé Roberto as AMC I have more options in attack.
Too I think that somedays ago I posted a photo with my old player Matteo Brighi (MC), that went to the field in the 63' (? well some minute) and the same minute scored as AMC.
So, you know..
Last edited by khris; 04-17-2014 at 07:03 PM.
Thanks for your reply.
To be honest, I've tried a few games your settings and arrows (I really like the 4-3-3 formation) and I had no success. I understand that different formations work differently for teams and I am glad that this formation brings success to you.
Thanks again for your help.
ps: sorry for my bad english![]()
Glad to answer
But too I have to say that, as sure you know, the formation is not all. As you can see in my pic's, I add the cones only in phisicall skills, to have speed of 9-10 stars as fast as I can. That's an advantadge.
Too there is another work, looking how work every player... so... is not so easy. ...(-.-)'
Good luck![]()
Some people of this forum think that I work for Nordeus.
Last edited by khris; 04-20-2014 at 04:56 AM.
I play 4-3-3 formation too and have had really good success too. What win bonuses do you give your players? Is it Maximum, 3/4, Half or minimum, or none. I set my win bonus at half the maximum for champions league, league and the cup. How do you set yours out of interest?
Well... usually i put the max... but this season the max is 6M.. and have not a lot of budget... that's why, I decided put the bonus, only against the better team of my CL group, the other 2 teams, without (because I'm the better in Quality of my CL) ..in Cup, always, because there are good prizes and now I wannna try to be in the final, so max. prize per victory.
In league, only against the 3-4 better teams I put the max. ...against the 9th to 14th I play without and the other teams depending of how I see the situation.
One have to learn to play with the bonus... I think to avoid surprises one need this :'D
Good news, we sold Matteo Brighi, in a club from Arabia Saudilevel12, so can do a great work, is a 5* again.... and well...
now I'm looking that he did the first match and had a 4 of rating :'D
but nothing happen, because now, we have 3 GK's!
why? because Songo'o is really a diamond... and I'm not sure, if this season I have to keep this and sell Cañizares... I am in the 3 competitions, and did not see Lehmann working... so... will wait... but... I need a DC... and can not add if don't have space...
well, Lehmann had 1,90 tall.
my Lehmann is 1,91.
Lehmann had 87kg.
My Lehmann is 88kg.
+ 1 in all, and have the Nº 1 that leaved my loved Oliver Kahn, (and that the true Lehmann had) so, you know
Hasan Şaş... I'm looking that he is very aggressive player... ...I've to have caution with the yellow cards... and unexpected reds...
(-.-)' That's Sparta! :'D