do you still use the same orders? long passing,counter on,offside on?
do you still use the same orders? long passing,counter on,offside on?
yeah, counter and offside on, but sometimes the long passing to mixed.
Maybe when I want the ball far away of GK I put long passing and when the other is lower Quality I ut mixed... or depend of the sensation I have... all is intuition, no more. Sometimes one put the ST as a AMC and see better, or worst results fast, so thats the same.
so do you play offensive all time? even at away matches and facing strong team?
Usually, yea...
well I can say that I played the last CL match of 1/8 round in defensive mentality and won 0-5 away... (I was proving in friendlies and did not remember to change it)...
But, yeah, I play 95% offensive, the reason is that really my best players are in defense, and with the 8 red arrows I think that I create more options in attack...
Too if I have a counter against I have the 2 DC's or the DL/DR that, as I said, are very effective (because are fast too, high speed 8*) and at same time some MC's help in defense work with red arrow.
And if I have to attack I have the ST's, MC's DR/DL as option so, the game can select lots of players to play with the ball, and lots of players to recive a passing, and too, as always I say, the game never select all players to show their names in comments, so if I don't see a MC/ST during 50', change this for another, and too if I see that a player is more aggresive.
This game is not simply the formation, or good team, too have control of what happen. And maybe thats more important than other things... in my case I've won lots of points thank's a good substitution in the 2nd half..
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa!!!!!
The best match of all my history! :'D
min 89'
we recive a counter against, and Lehmann won the 1vs1...
we have a counter now... and recive a foul against...
Hasan Sas shoot the foul and Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink scored the 5-2 with the head.
Good decisions:
1-Play with Gonzalez for Roberto Carlos.
2-Play with Nostbakken in MC (not Overmars and Hasan Sas in right)
3- Change Klose that did nothing for J. V. of Hesselink
4- change Zumalakarregui that had bad day in the 85' for Hasan Sas been AMC!
Conclusion of this Cup edition: Phisicall skills are all.
Conclusion of the match:
Good decisions before, and during the match, were the key.
Mental note* since I bought H. Sas, that have SA of fouls, Zumalakarregui don't score the fouls like before... maybe the game select the better player of the team to do it well? and when u buy another better it chenge the configuration??? ...I really don't know.
But Sas did a good work with the last foul... and Zumalakarregui failed some fouls today... ¿? analyze.
(copy of post in thread s.52)
double post*
Champions League Finale
FCBayern München won the 6th Champions League of his history on penalties in a tough and tense match, against Engin FC.
This is the 3rd Champions League in a row that we win against a Turkish team.
Well just say that usually I tank 2 seasons and play 2, but this time I will play for 3rd time in a row.
Last season we were 2nd in league, with 70 points (71 the 1st) and 3rd place in Cup + Champions League winners.
Now I feel that this season is more easy to prove the treble, but my priority, is the 7th CL.
Just will train to win 5 matches in all this season. QF + semis + CL final.
If don't win league don't matter.
If cup byebye, no matter.
That's because I discovered that the Top of my server is at level 19, this is the max. League level so I'm 14th.
There is one team of level 22 playing in this group of 2-3 leagues of level 19, called Bayern FC and I wanna be there after summer.
I an be in the group of the better teams of my server and thats a different goal to fight for.
FCBayern München won the 9th title of his history, great season, congratulations to all my players :P
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