This is my new team, ΡΙΝΟΚΕΡΟΣ - it’s the Greek name for Rhinoceros (we use Ρ instead of R as Π instead of Ρ).
I ‘m in a T11 Greek group, so I propose the idea to create a league with members of the group, with 35T teams, playing for fun.
I also participate in such a league with forum friends in the past, OMA of Khris, so had the experience how to start it.
We made or use alt fb accounts. I started playing first with my team and then after the new season came, I invited them to play t11. They did and now we all had teams playing in the same league.
The instructions were to buy max 3 5* players because we must have about the same quality so the game put us in the same league (because now with the new draw system, quality lv of the team is more critical than being friends).
A couple of friends overdone it and one didn’t buy, had a low q team and we lost him. Finally we ‘re together in a league of 13 friends at day 3.
The names are Greek, capital letters from animals (ok, we have a team ΔΡΑΚΟΙ > Dragons ).
We also use relative pictures as our fb profiles. Mine is from a theatrical play, “Rhinoceros” by Eugene Ionesco (nice play).
The reason is that we must look different from our basic teams so (as the other members of the t11 who don’t participate) we can recognize with a first look, that it’s from our non-pro league. I also named the league GT11 League (Greek Top 11).
Some simple rules about our league.
This isn’t a pro league, just playing for fun (but to win also). We don’t buy, farming or downloading aps to our mobile to earn extra sources for the team. It’s only a 35T teams league.
We don’t bid to a player if another friend of league has done it first.
As for supporting, do whatever we want but only with the purpose of fun (and don’t have misunderstandings or other problems).
As I called all the friends to play in that league, I earn some extra token as a manager. With those token, at the end of the season I ‘ll buy a premium jersey or emblem and I ‘ll sent it as a gift to the champion of GT11 League. Next season, we ‘ll see.
Rhinoceros as started the previous season
our league, the first day (or third day of the season)