I assume the 3-hour rule is not in effect yet?
Look at the schedule for my next few days:
I assume the 3-hour rule is not in effect yet?
Look at the schedule for my next few days:
Great news25 minutes between games was not very ideal... Cost me quite some tokens to reschedule!
Hope this is implemented asap!
yea. i do not see my matches 3 hrs apart
and i would like to give user the chance to select preferable home matches time, so that we all can at attend our home matches
The best suggestion is that!
GUYS, we just need a question to accept or not the macth, just that! When somebody ask u about a friendly macth we need to accept that to play... if somebody doens´t awnser the the macth is accepted if He doens´t have a 2 macthes in a day, the limit is necessary, but if someone wants to play doesn't matter.
Just put a question that both of players should accept to play friendly with 2 limits plays.
additional fitur for on/off the frendly match
it's so make confusing when a game is ended then there's a frendly match ongoing -_-
or It should a be a mutual agreement between both teams involved.
mutual agreement is a must...... plz![]()
Nothing fixed
Today i had a game at 13h17 and at 19u27, i thought i was lucky because i should have 3 times + 5% condition (first time at 13h25) but my opponent from the cup changed the time to 19h42, 15 minutes after the other game.
I find that very cowardly from my opponent to change the time 15 minutes after my league match!!!
He should not be able to do this!!!
BTW, his quality is 56.8 (mostly 6* and 7*), mine 51.9 (all 5*)
Now i'm going for hard tackle, hopely i can injure 1 or 2 players!!!
Last edited by influenze; 07-03-2013 at 11:37 AM.
Currently playing level 8 (season 8)
The league:
1st place level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
The Champions league:
1st place level 2,3,4,5,6 - 2nd place level 7
The cup:
1/4 final level 3
While your plan isn't perfect, it would be an awesome step in the right direction and should be implemented immediately. Any fine tuning can be done at a later date.
Why the game try to so hard to solve it, Just add "Accept and Reject" button when invite coming !! can't u ?
3 Hrs. before a real match which is a good idea
Request : Private league (Please allow me to create some another private league by pull data from a main league table)
Last edited by Rdz Thunmanusart; 07-04-2013 at 03:44 AM.