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As some managers complaining that they miss old-time-friendlies where both of them, challenger and challengee, lost energy, got injured, but both of them gains experience, I bring very simple idea how to incorporate this old-time-friendlies mode into new one. I am suggesting it because I am scared by many voice which has been raised these days against asymmetrical friendlies and because I am 100% convinced the introduction of asymmetrical friendlies is very good step forward to improve game. So my idea is as follows:
Let us have two managers X and Y. Let us also assume the X challenges Y.
Now it means that players in team X will lose energy, have possibility to got injury, and got experience. Players in team Y are intacted.
Now there are also notifications send to Y, when Y is challenged by X.
Nordeus could put new button into such messages "submit match" or "join match". This new button could change present button "deny the match" which makes no sense in the mode of asymmetrical friendlies (when your team is intacted, why deny the match). (Note: I am playing T11 in Czech language, so I am not sure the name "deny the match" of the button.)
So, when X challenges Y, Y receives message with button "submit match".
If Y presses the button then Y will play real friendly match against X with all pros and cons (also Y will lose players energy, got them injured and his/her players gain experience).
If Y does not press the button ("submit match"), the X will play asymmetrical friendly i.e. only team X will be affected and the team Y will be intacted.
There could be also second button for immediate rejecting of real friendly match, in case when Y rejects friendly the X will play asymmetrical friendly against Y (it means only team X will be affected).
Because of technical reasons there could be some time limit, let us say 30 minutes until start of friendly match you will have option to submit this match or just let your challenger to play asymmetrical friendly himself/herself.
And it will be up to you as a challenger what kind of friendly match you are looking for:
- if you just looking for improving of your team, you could play asymmetrical friendly and you could set very soon start of the match, e.g. in 4 minutes
- if you are looking for comparison of your team with team of a friend, you could offer real friend match to your friend, so you have to set some late start of the match, e.g. in 10 hours, in a day etc., so your friend have enough time for response i.e. submitting the match
- if you are looking only for comparison friendly matches and you are not interested in asymmetrical friendlies, you have to check your schedule several minutes before start of friendly match you offered and in case it is not submitted by friend, you could cancel it
It would be nice from Nordeus if they include some note of the status of friendly match - when X challenges Y, the match will be noted as "asymmetrical" until the Y would submit match, then it would be noted as "submitted". The seekers of real friendlies/comparison matches could easily check their schedule and see which offered matches are submitted by challengees and which are not. Another option is note offered friendly match first as "unresolved". If the Y submit it, it will be noted as "submitted" . But as a "asymmetrical" it will be noted after the Y lost its chance to submit to the match, i.e. in the mean time between start of the match and the end of time when Y could submit to the match.
Summary of suggestion:
- when X challenges Y, the Y will be notified by message
- inside message will be button for submitting the the match, there could be also button for immediate rejection of the match
- by pressing submitting button the Y will play real friendly match against X, i.e. both teams will be fully affected by the match
- by pressing the rejecting button or by not-pressing submitting button in the time limit (e.g. 30 minutes until the start of the match) the Y will rejects real friendly match, the X will play asymmetrical friendly, i.e. only team X will be fully affected by the match, the team Y will be intacted
- in the schedule the rejected or not-submitted matches are noted as "asymmetrical", submitted matches as "submitted", optionally there could be three types of notes: "Submitted" for submitted matches, "Unresolved" where challengee has not responded yet, but still has time to respond, and "Asymmetrical" for matches which were rejected or not responded in time by the challenge