1st Rant.
Generally I'm a pretty easy going guy. This latest attempt to extort money out of us to pay for Cures/boosts near seasons end is in my opinion not going to go unnoticed by your client base. Your money grabbing tactics are in the end going to lose you a large percentage of your client base prior to the beginning of the upcoming season. Some how you need to even the playing field,for example limit the number of games that can be scheduled in a given time frame or recovery period. You are already allowing games to be scheduled 15 mins apart which forces us to spend tokens franticly to get cures up prior to the next match. I personally just signed up for 'Soccer Managerr'. In my opinion you have an opportunity to reverse this decision or come up with some better solutions. The stacks of money do us no good whatsoever without Tokens DOH!
Seriously considering moving on!!!!!!
well two injuries in one match right before champion league one was my keeper ? strange how i was attacking and so no-one near him and the other was my DCM who i defo need for champs semi final so thanks muppet`s
edit; plus side i won match 3-2 V 4th away and they unbeaten run goes to 46 league games
To hell with such excuses! Dont play now the guardian of fairness!
You damned should be able to put the players of countries with Videos on certain servers and the ones who do not have access to other servers - if fairness is really what you are looking for.
We, the "manager" are spending time on watching those videos which make Nordeus earn money! So if we make you earn additional money by spending a lot of time, you should feel almost obliged to "pay" for that time properly with things we need. And this things are different sorts of packs, respectively token - nothing else!
So - again - dont come up with that sort of explain! That's a bogus!
YES Champion! Support them! Watch the videos for money you dont need, so that they can laugh about all those who complain and keep their greedy attitude...
To all others: Stop watching videos for money.... then they will change the system again... They are getting payed PER VIEW!!!!
Many ppl in this forum were complaining for the cup that, it was not fair, no equal opportunities for all to win it, and that was changed. Videos offers as you allready know are limited or none for many players, so now with those mentioned changes, its more fair and balancing for everyone, still though isnt completely cause even now many of us will have limited or none access for videos for cash. Afterall if everyone has the same capabilities there is no difference if all have 1000 free boosters or all have no free boosters, its a competition game based in comparison.
Last edited by Maxtax; 06-24-2013 at 05:03 PM.
TEAM'S ACHIEVEMENTS(Est.10.5.2011) Season 47/Level ?/League 40
24 Leagues, 13 Champion Leagues, 6 Cups, 1 Treble.
Yes and at L11 you even get 500K - great.... I have some 250M on my account, the arena is more than large enough for the visitors I can get and next season I can maximum buy 3-4 players as I cannot sell 6-Star-players to anybody and do not have anything below...
July Fourth, you are making a good job for Nordeus and I am sure, that very many of the forum-people do believe that you really are one of them.... but PLEASE do not expect ALL people to be that naiv...
I hope that at least you are getting paid fair by Nordeus.