Originally Posted by
I really do not ipunderstand Whats the point of tis thread.
I already tanked one of my teams, because in the first season it wasent strong enought to fight for top 4, and finished 5th in the season before, so no money of CL, so i decided to tank, and i can assume you that it His hard playing for loosing, this the engine have is one will.
Last season i was only second, was eliminated form the cup in first round by away goals, by a Little higher Q Team, did not have a easy draw in cup.
Was with low money since was my second season without CL.
Why do not make a thread about limiting the numbers of tokens you buy based on the Q of your league oponents, or limites the watching of videos to the same number in all countries or at least draw the leagues with the teams with the same oportunitys.
And i not complainig about that and Making real noise, this game does not offer the same opportunities to all the players. So everyone plays the way they like.
The worst of all is manipulating results with multiple accounts, thats cheating.