Well, there is also the Unsatisfactory Result thread...which is for really troll ones (as I suspect OP's is)
Well, there is also the Unsatisfactory Result thread...which is for really troll ones (as I suspect OP's is)
Expressed above is my own opinion. ☻ Your results may vary.
▬ ▬ ▬▬ ▬ ▬▬ ▬ >BvB< ▬ ▬▬ ▬ ▬▬ ▬ ▬
lol.. i played 7 games a draw really sick, my team is 96.7.. i play draw agains 55.3 , go on and on and this all happend when server stopped well the game was running and when i came back i saw 1-1,2-2,0-0 very stupid.
You can't moan about losing to a team of a slight quality difference. You see teams in league 2 beating premiership teams in real life so why is this so different. As for Nordeus moving your friends from one server to another - Why would they? nothing in it for them. I'm sure if you offered them £20 they would jump at it and it would be done within the hour.
As for the theory of certain formations beating others, I am not going to say its all rubbish as i know many hours have been put into documenting how this is correct. However, In my early days i would take the advise of formation changes and it would 85% of the time fail. I believe that playing the same formation all the time, A formation that you and your team likes and can play well using is the way to play. I play 4-4-1-1 and have done since the beginning of the last season, I won the treble and often score 5+ goals. This was in a league that had teams of not just better quality but 70% of the teams were manned as opposed to the usual bunch of unmanned teams you see.
As for teams losing unrealistically - I don't see people moaning when the win unrealistically? The amount of 6-0's+ i see on a daily basis is unbelievable.
I just won a game in the league 5-0. Im only 85.2* and my opponent was 90.1!!!!!
This game is so unrealistic it's not funny!!!!
I'm new to all this, so ...
At the end of the day it's only a game and "unrealistic" results will be a part of that .. it's no different from the ealry versions of Championship Manager and the updated Football Manager series - you get unexpected results. It would be incredibly boring if the winners were always the team with the highest quality rating.
Unrealistic results happen in real life too - Brackley (non league) have just eliminated Gillingham from the English FA Cup. Brackley are 3 divisions below Gillingham (63 league placings). Brackley are part-time, Gillingham full-time. So, it can happen, so why not in this game too. Annoying when it does but part and parcel of the game. Hopefully though, these "unrealistic results" will even themselves out throughout the season.
In the 5-0 example .. and I'm happy to be corrected here .. isn't the quality rating the average across the squad? So, although your opponent has a squad level of 90+ he might not be playing his full strength team - they might average mid-80's or lower which may explain the result. Likewise, you may have a couple of duffers in your squad that bring down your average quality rating.
Having only played half of last season plus this one, it does seem to be harder to beat bots .. but that's probably another issue.
But, there is an "unrealistic results" thread anyway so rather than folk moaning about it and posting their grievances randomly - just post on the thread, giving Nordeus as much info as possible. If they choose to ignore the posts then they'll simply lose customers. If they at least acknowledge the posts then it it may encourage people to continue. Who knows!
The problem with T11 is these 'unrealistic' results happen far too often and is nothing like real life.
As for Nordeus listening to people on here...I could get all the info in the world fly to Serbia go to their office and show them it all personally and they still wouldn't listen. Save your breath Nordeus don't care. The game is so full of flaws it's not funny.