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Thread: League trophies for this season already in a player cabinet???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Chicago USA

    League trophies for this season already in a player cabinet???

    I was looking into the trophies that a friend of mine has and noticed that his current level (level 7) league trophy is already in his cabinet. Not even the half of the league has finished yet! He won the league against me on level 4 and has won league level 5 and 6 also. So he wasn't playing a level up championship.

    That got me thinking and checked my current league opponents trophy cabinets. I was surprised that a guy who is currently 5th place has a league level 7 trophy in his cabinet.

    Anyone else seen this?

    League trophies for this season already in a player cabinet???-alex-table.jpgLeague trophies for this season already in a player cabinet???-alex-cabinet.jpgLeague trophies for this season already in a player cabinet???-alex-trophy.jpgLeague trophies for this season already in a player cabinet???-dk-table.jpgLeague trophies for this season already in a player cabinet???-dk-cabinet.jpgLeague trophies for this season already in a player cabinet???-dk-trophy.jpg

  2. #2
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    curious as well
    lets solve this mystery, gang!

    *1 fancy transition later*

    could the result of the league be predetermined just like a match? keep us posted. im seriously curious if your friend actually won the league
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  3. #3
    Apprentice fingermouse27's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    Season 7 does not mean level 7.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Chicago USA
    I know both T11 players from level 4, you are saying that maybe they repeated a level earlier and their trophies season 7 are level 6? You are probably right since their joint date is earlier than mine...

    League trophies for this season already in a player cabinet???-alex.jpgLeague trophies for this season already in a player cabinet???-dk.jpg

  5. #5
    Apprentice fingermouse27's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    yes. this is what would have happened. no big conspiracy here...