I'm starting to believe my team does better if I don't watch the match. So this 5% possession mustn't really count. Has any one else noticed that the results are better if you don't watch your matches?
I'm starting to believe my team does better if I don't watch the match. So this 5% possession mustn't really count. Has any one else noticed that the results are better if you don't watch your matches?
I'm the opposite.
I usually get up quite late in the afternoon due to working strange hours, and most of my league games occur at around 10am GMT.
I've had to start setting my alarm so I can wake up for 10 mins just to spectate the match, then go back to sleep.
Reason being, every match I've missed over the past few months against weaker opposition, I've lost, even with 70-30 possession.
It seems my team always needs that extra 8% to win.
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I don't claim to be a Top Eleven expert but, if anyone would like advice, please don't hesitate to contact me through 'private messaging', I try to reply as soon as possible.
Sometimes I have to watch for a better performance. Other times when I am on a bad beat its better to set auto pilot on for sometime and autopilot performs rly good.
Nothing can be taken for granted, its all silly RNG I guess...
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My team seem to perform better wiv less condition.. π dno how that works out.. But when their glowing green we lose when they light green yellow.. We absolutely tke da piss..
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another debatable thread
im on the side of not watching games = higher chance of winning
im barely active on rags to riches and theyre doing far better than goonskies. so far on goonskies ive seen at least half of the matches whereas rags to riches probably a couple. rags to riches have a more competitive league, slightly off balanced league. sad truth is my goal post (my star striker ;P) is injured with a dislocated shoulder for 6 days. i take 1 topeleven day as 2 weeks, and it doesnt take 2 months and a half to heal from a dislocated shoulder. it took me a few days to completely heal from a dislocated shoulder
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Should Kaka' have been selected for Brazil's WC squad?
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I have seen a few posts saying don't keep the morale too high for all players for better results?
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If I am not watching my game my team losses 50 % of the matches...But if I am then the win ratio shoots up to say 95 %...
But the thing is I always watch my matches...