BLAUGRANA FC - The road to success...Team Showcase:
7x 4x Runner-ups 3x 1x
BLAUGRANA FC - The road to success...Team Showcase:
7x 4x Runner-ups 3x 1x
Less of a waste of time than saying it's a bug on here. Issues that are not reported to Support are not likely get fixed.
This thread has gone past the original topic (which if you look Kynan & Skidz answered, the answer that is complete would include not logging in for 70 days, which your sister seemed to have an idea of, yet wanted a better answer. There isn't one) and is no longer constructive, so is now closed.
Last edited by Cat Harrison; 03-29-2014 at 04:46 PM.
I do indeed read.
YOU were the one who said it was a bug. Which is why I said to report it to Support.
Last edited by Cat Harrison; 03-29-2014 at 04:50 PM.