My case is little bit different.. He had 1 injured player but he even score twice after play with 10 men...Lucky I still can get back 1 goal at 88 so won 3-2...don't know how Nordeus developed this game program...
My case is little bit different.. He had 1 injured player but he even score twice after play with 10 men...Lucky I still can get back 1 goal at 88 so won 3-2...don't know how Nordeus developed this game program...
Good job,Farfromtilidie!!Great result,and against the 4th!Well done!!I am starting to agree with gogs67...i´m giving to much credit for the game engine.I´m now on a personal quest against MourinhoFC..i´ve tried and tried and i cant beat that team!!!!!grrrrrrr!!!!I think that i haven´t score a single goal against it....(level 4 like mine and almoust everyone in that team has 6 stars)
my 2 cents... I've also noticed very recently that red cards make teams stronger. I my last match I won, but the match was much difficult after my opponents remained with 10 players
I've talked about that some days ago... me 2 times and 1 player came here saying that with 10 players scored 2 goals.. and won 2-3.. in my 2 times against 10 players, I recived too 2 goals per match... suddenly the other becomes better... Is a "BIG FAIL" of proggramming, and I writted to support, but Nordeus answer was, "normal that a manager don't like to loose, noboby like to loose, but defeats happen, are part of the football" -u kidding???
#Bian Dang
ohh look, is what I've said, 2 goals, 2 goals everytime one have 10 players... at the end the solution to score is to own a minefield.
Boom, Leg have wings now, u see? what GK can against a flyer Leg? eehh^^ what? can u tell me?