Originally Posted by
no you didnt SAY it worked for everyone, you stated "it is best for most formations", which implies that it is best for everyone using most formations.
It would be more correct and proper for you to say: "I use it with most formations and it works for me". Simple. When you say it that way, it means that you didnt write the book on how the game works and you know only what works for you. The way you wrote it originally came across like you were a dev that created the game.
You obviously dont know what an instruction manual is for. It is to help someone learn to play the game with all the information that is available in the game so there is less guesswork necessary about what works and doesnt work in the game and why it is there. I dont know what I would do without the instruction book for Batman:Arkham Asylum and that of the walkthrough, but that is because they teach you what to do with button combos and they tell you the skills necessary to complete the game.
Nordeus on the other hand, tells you what is in the game but not anything useful on how to use them. They give the absolute minimum necessary to understand the game and thats all. Why? Good question. I dont know why, I can speculate, but this is not the time to do that or the thread. I want a manual for this game, not to make things easy, but to understand why I use tactics they create in the game, the best time to use them and what they actually do for gameplay. I am not asking to make the game easier, I just want to know what tools I have in the toolbox and instructions on how and when to use them so I can properly build my team and its success.
so dont bother getting your panties in a bunch anymore, you should understand that im not trying to insult you or ridicule you, I am trying to help you not come across as something you are not: an expert in the game, or someone who knows everything there is to know about the game. not even Jul;yforurth knows everything about the game, nor does he admit to it.
Just try to change how you write things a bit, because people assume you actually know how the game works, and thats just wrong.