wow, thanks for not understanding the issue in the first place, I will try to clear it up a bit.
I dont need a manual on how to play football. I am aware of the rules of the game of football. What I still lack knowledge on is the rules of topeleven and THEIR VERSION OF FOOTBALL. the wiki is severly lacking in any knowledge that is useful in playing this game as a football manager game, and is just a waste of time for reading unless you want to know what $$$ you need to build a stadium. The wiki is not informative on how to play the game.
Every card game has rules, chess and checkers have rules, most games in the world have rules and instructions.
Now, all the game tables at the casino have rules but lack instructions on how to play, that is because they dont want you to know how to play the game better, they just want you to drop as much money as possible. See the similarities? This is a candy coated football version of a dice rolling game, which is probably why there is no manual.
What you are telling me is that Skidz is the new manual on this game, as he knows all about the game through experience and he can tell us what julyforth cant even tell us, which is what each thing does in topeleven as a 100% fact. Because experience is as good as knowing 100% about everything. After 16 seasons of winning my league season after season, I am experienced as well, if not more than skidz, and I still dont know what exactly some of the Special abilities do, what the arrows do to your condition exactly, what exactly happens when a goalkeeper gets injured and why, the difference to the morale/condition when using zonal/m2m or easy/hard/normal tackle...etc.
Even if he was the most experienced mananger in this game, he can only speculate what anything does in this game if it is not expressly explained by the devs or nordeus. Until that time, Skids should really stop saying that something works for most formations when he cant possible know that, because to say it that way means it works for everyone, which is false.
so skids, I have no probs with your attempts to help people and its a great thing to do, but you could reword things a bit so people dont get the wrong impression, and that is that you know something that everyone else doesnt. not an insult, just trying to clear things, up.
you know, a reply from a dev or someone at nordeus to clear up what it does would be nice....
MoM marking works if you create the conditions conducive to it working. MoM requires proximity. I'd guess if you want t exploit weaknesses - attacking a narrow formation with a wide one then MoM is less than optimal. I'd further guess than MoM could perform better where you are mirroring (to some extent) an opposing formation rather than employing counter formation strategies.
And finally, Man on Man *sniggers*
Now grow-up/get a life/move on
PS. Just because I replied does not mean I care.
Sully I have stated on several times I never said 100 % but you continue, to bring this up, I have tried to explain again and again what I ment, to you it was miss understood so I will be more carefull how I word things in future for your or any other manager out there's benifit!, I do not say I know everything! This is you spreading this about!, I do not insult the likes of July the Fourths ideals as it is from his guide that eventually was removed I got all my success, I was lucky to have it available for a season or two when I first started!, what you are doing is directly acusing me of being the manual of T11 whether you realize it or not!, If you read some of my other posts on different threads you would clearly have seen this, why we are even still aving this debate is a complete waste of time or are you going, to continue, to throw the rule book at me?.Nordeus Wikki: is all they have so we make do and judge it as we see fit!, I have given my opinion and I stick by my view on it untill I am proven otherwise, this is the last thing I will say on the matter as I am man enough to walk away as this conversation is not helping the indervidules who's thead it was started.
stop saying it works for most formations. easy. because I have used man2man and it works for most formations too. Like the guy previous said, when you are better, it makes more logical sense to use man2man, while when you are inferior, it makes more sense to use zonal, and thats just pure logic and common sense.
instead of getting your panties in a bunch and getting warned for insults, you could have easily corrected this by typing in what I typed in. I know what you wrote as I have cut and paste it several times and it reads the same way every time I read it, so no sense denying it sounds like I said, because at least one other person agreed that it sounds like I suggested.
so to recap what everyone else but you were saying: the consensus is to use man2man when you have better players, and zonal when you the other team is better.
Wow, a much better way to say it, dont you think?
[QUOTE=Sully;250190]stop saying it works for most formations. easy. because I have used man2man and it works for most formations too. Like the guy previous said, when you are better, it makes more logical sense to use man2man, while when you are inferior, it makes more sense to use zonal, and thats just pure logic and common sense.
instead of getting your panties in a bunch and getting warned for insults, you could have easily corrected this by typing in what I typed in. I know what you wrote as I have cut and paste it several times and it reads the same way every time I read it, so no sense denying it sounds like I said, because at least one other person agreed that it sounds like I suggested.
so to recap what everyone else but you were saying: the consensus is to use man2man when you have better players, and zonal when you the other team is better.
Wow, a much better way to say it, dont you think?[/QUOT
Actually I dont think it matters because at the end of the day MOM OR ZONAL wont make much difference when you play against a team like mine! 22 man token scout team as unless you too have a near team to that quality then maybe 1 in 15or 20 games in any formation and orders will win against me and that is a fact as I have lost no league game last year playing my best team, lost no league game the two seasons before that 25w 1 draw twice, I have only lost 1 game this season with it and that just so happens to be the only game I did not watch, there is no way also of saying " it makes more logical sense to use man2man, while when you are inferior, it makes more sense to use zonal, and thats just pure logic and common sense., you are also going by your own experience just like I was!, you prefere MOM I prefer zonal! so I have every right to say that, it is my own opininon!, my only fault here then was to say most managers! for that I stand corrected.
There is one simple way to settle this is if every manager who reads this thread puts there own choice down! that way the original person thread gets answered, I will start.
ZONAL. ( I never use anything else now).
Can't you just let it go? He's apologised already. He could have phrased it better and you could stop reading so much into a harmless remark made about a game. I've seen Skidz offer lots of help to lots of people on this forum. But it will all be opinion, as is every piece of advice given on here. There is little or no hard data/conclusive facts.
Besides, there is no evidence to suggest that either is better as it's all conjecture. Maybe we should start a poll?
I prefer MoM. It works for most formations.
for you.
thats the problem I have, people on here are good for trying to help but its not about wording as much as believing something where there is little or no hard data/conclusive facts, like you said.
and you cant just go and say that everything on here is opinion or it all should be seen as opinion. Thats not how some people come across, whether they are helping people or not. Like you just said, I prefer MoM, it works for most formations, for you.
I just think its important to let people know that when you personalize the statement that it makes it known that it is not going to work for everyone. How many posts on here are complaints that narrow diamond didnt beat 4-4-2 classic? or v style didnt beat 4-3-3? I see that people write the formation that works for them and they say: I won with this formation. you said you prefer MoM and is works for most formations - and skids said the opposite, that zonal works for most formations, so which is true?
and to answer you original question last, no, i cant let it go because this is a good discussion on how or why zonal or M2M works better. It gets severely sidetracked by skids being so defensive, and lets face it, he did come across as saying zonal was the best for most formations, which is wrong for me and many other people, BUT IT WORKS FOR HIM, which is all that really matters to him. That is doesnt work for others is a bit of a damper for his statement though.
so I think a poll would do well to see what works for everyone
Okay I would like to post something about the topic
I made a little test here, some weaker opponent was playing 352, i decided to play exactly like him with idea to man mark his midfielders and cut them from defenders and strikers. I have also set hard tackling and pressing style through the whole pitch because i wanted my 5 midfielders to hunt his 5 midfielders wherever they go, to lock them down. Okay, he is weaker than me, but my man marking was totally sucessful and here's match info:
Maybe this will help in some way to you guys who are thinking about using man marking![]()
First of all this game is a bunch of cosmetic things...So whether you use MOM or ZONAL it will not affect the result...
Second talk less because Pricop does not like mess and he may block the thread...