I'm in the 9th place in my league. Currently in level 5. I've lost FIVE matches out of 13 and drawn 3. All my wins are very lucky. I don't know why. But this season really got me pissed off. I always throw my phone whenever i have a game. I'm very unfortunate. Most of my games, i dominate possessions, i have plenty of shots, corners, free-kicks, many dangerous efforts. But i only have like 0.0000001% chance of scoring. I don't know why.
I have high quality players. I know quality doesn't affect the game. But i've played with lower quality players when the season started. It didn't went well. I lost like 4-5 matches in one week. So, i decided to replace some of my players little by little..but i don't sell my MC who has been with me since the first season and he's the top scorer of the team and specializes in taking free-kicks. I keep him and some players from each position. My strikers are also the same strikers i bought/used last season. Young, have special abilities, 5 stars, scored many goals last season. But this season, all my reliable players only score once in like every 3-5 matches.
I change my formation a lot because the formation i used to stick to, which won me 2nd place last season, didn't win me a single game this season. I have to change one formation to another every single week. Of course i sometimes have to change it depending on what my opponents' are using. I mean if i'm not really confident about a match, i will search for the counter formation on the forum. But i have experience in playing with same formations in my previous seasons. It always brought me to victory. If i had to lose, i'd only be losing 1-0,2-1. Not more. This season, all the formations i use, do not work like it used to.
Earlier this season, my players got injured for almost every single match. Injuries and red cards are very common for me this season. That's why i had to buy more players. I always make sure my players' conditions and morals are maxed. I don't know what did i do wrong. I'm out of the Cup and CL. I don't know what should i do. This is the worst season i've had.