Hey all the forum member please express your opinions on this...
Yes, I like the new commentary...
No, I don't like the new commentary...
No, I don't like the new commentary and want the old commentary back...
No, I don't like the new commentary but do not wan't the old commentary back...
Hey all the forum member please express your opinions on this...
Where's the poll?^^![]()
BLAUGRANA FC - The road to success...Team Showcase: http://forum.topeleven.com/team-show...wiss-team.html
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First voter. There you go. This commentary sucks.
Hopefully you do something like "Bring back old commentary" and repeat the success of the BBTOTM
Agreed...My vote for 3....what a joke!!!!!
Well imo it's a good idea to bring in new comments but if they are full of grammatical errors and way too long to read out than it's not worth it :P
BLAUGRANA FC - The road to success...Team Showcase: http://forum.topeleven.com/team-show...wiss-team.html
7x 4x Runner-ups 3x 1x
Commentary needs to have text created by someone who understands football and the phrases etc.
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 131
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Top Eleven Forum Moderator
I come on the forum today for the new commentaires ! It´s a joke !!! I play in french, and it s impossible !!! The new commentaire are too long, i don t have the time to read them !! And it means nothing !!!!! It´s a big joke !
Please , put on the old commentaire! There were great and perfect ! Why change a good thing ? !!
I don t want to see my match now because of this commentaires who are very bad !
Nordeus fails THE commentary is too long so difficult too understand what they mean. And after that why they have not throw ins added in THE game?
Play it like The Dutch way
Fc Bal op t Dak!!!
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