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Thread: "Suspect" injuries

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    "Suspect" injuries

    Hello guys, I'm writing this post because inthe last days I've encountered a very strange (and suspect) event.
    Even if I made no changes to my way of playing or training compared with the previous seasons, since I almost ran out of therapies (treatmnets or health packs, as you prefer), I've been literally overwhelmed by injuries, at list one per match or training session
    Furthermore, even if I upgraded all my structures, especially the medical center (wich is at the maximum level allowed for me), the duration of this injuries has increased above the average (never less than 4 days, to a maximum of 12 !!) and the number of injuries incredibly grows up next to the most important matches of the season (for instance tomorrow I have to face the second team and I'm first, only one point ahed, quite crucial and in the match I played today, I had two injuries in the first half, one of them involving my best player, who got a broken leg, 6 days out - actually season ended for him).
    At the moment I have 5 injured players, with only 8 healt packs available (and 33 tokens) it only bad luck ?
    is it only a coincidence that this large amount of injuries came just when I ran out of treatments, so that I'm forced to buy tokens to get more treatments ???
    Am I too suspicious or even paranoid ?? Has anyone experienced a similar situation ???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    It's almost common understanding that there are more injuries at the beginning and near the end of the season. In my impression, it is even the most serious when those semi-finals & final are taking place. Some managers advised in other posts that frequency of injuries will increase when number of your red treatment packs reaches 40. I never feel the pitch conditions affect frequency of injuries. In my opinion, Nordeus has adjust the settings that there are more long term injuries now.

    My L16 team has 12 injuries in last 5 days. The team was very healthy before this series of injuries. Luckily, its league position is almost fixed and there is no more CL or Cup game. In contrast, my L8 teams has minor injury problems over this season. The problem slightly enlarges in recent days. It's still okay that only 2 injured players left. But only a few red packs remains. The team is quite comfortably leading in league, but will challenge for the 5th consecutive CL title soon.
    Last edited by cookizzz; 12-10-2014 at 06:30 PM.

  3. #3
    Famous Qambu Yaasi's Avatar
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    It is true what he says - I seldom get any injuries that are 3 days and less. It is always 5 and above, even when the injury occurs in the first ten minutes of the match.

    From my experience, injuries that occur early in the match in MOST cases, player will be out 1 to 3 days. Seems that they have also changed injury logic to be majority 5 days or more. And this AFTER getting the medical centre MAXED which is supposed to reduce recovery

    About the token things - I bet you that you use tokens to buy medic packs right?
    Last edited by Qambu Yaasi; 12-11-2014 at 12:06 AM.
    Go Leo L24 Farmer ---

    Very Athletic L20 (Semi-Retired) --- Real Messy L16 (Retired) --- Athletic Kuching L17 --- Los Galaxy L14 28T

  4. #4
    Apprentice Soham_NagpurBluesFC's Avatar
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    Yeah.. even i have experienced a huge difference in the injuries this season as compared to last season..i'm also getting 1 player injured per match...
    It seems nordeus changed something related to injuries... but it's too frustrating !!

    Level 6 Season 6

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I am not sure but I feel that there is far less long term injuries if the red treatment pack balance drops to below 5.

  6. #6
    Pro Celtic's Avatar
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    I had 300 red packs at some time.

    Then they modified the injury rate and I'm under 100/90 in 4 months.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Celtic View Post
    I had 300 red packs at some time.

    Then they modified the injury rate and I'm under 100/90 in 4 months.
    Yea.. At some point I think I had 200+ red packs. But now I only have 51. Now the medical facilities can no longer be upgraded. The competition is keen on level up. The red packs are disappearing.

  8. #8
    Apprentice Anna Martyniec's Avatar
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    My team has been quite lucky injury-wise for weeks until I gathered over 100 red packs. Then injuries started popping up daily, 1 or 2 players per day. Fortunately I don't have any big games ahead, so I just relax and don't heal, as long as I have enough decent substitutes. Have I crossed a magical barrier of 100 red packs, I don't know, but if this is some kind of pressure aiming at making me use all the reds, I simply won't do it.
    This is not the first time such thing happens and as far as I know, there is no known solution to this.

  9. #9
    Champion Dman2pt's Avatar
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    Lisbon, portugal
    In my opinion, nothing to do with red packs.

    In all of my teams i have more that 500 red packs, only one had a huge injury rate. And the one that have more, 766 at the moment, almost didnt have any injury.

  10. #10
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    I think is different in every team... if one day we can see what says how many X injuries will have our team this season if we do Y or Z... we will have the key... for now this will stay as a mystery...

    I have teams with more, or less reds and with more or less injuries... so I don't know what can "active" the "factor injurie" for now...

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