View Poll Results: Do you like the new features and design in Top Eleven 2015?

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  • Yes, I like it

    66 15.71%
  • No, I don’t like it

    206 49.05%
  • Needs more improvement

    148 35.24%
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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: Top Eleven 2015

  1. #571
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Dang View Post
    6x token scout dong chi co the mua ngay bang 50 tokens + so tien thuc cua cau thu do (eg: 50 tokens+ 100mil) tai scout section trang thu 2 trong phan transfer neu dung mobile version hoac trang thu 3 neu dung PC version)

    4x/5x token scout normally dong chi phai enter bidding war voi cac players lan bid se mat 1 gia tri gia tang theo moi lan bid...
    Tuc la van mat 50 token thoi ha ban?

  2. #572
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Zan, I appreciate for your great idea, I know there are million managers out there are trying to adjust to the new system. However, the auto assign is not the only issue of this new version. There are a ton of problems that need to be fixed. It's not just finding a better method for the skill point and that it. For the past few days, we are mainly discussing about the passion of the game, the respect that we should get from Nordues. By taking away the manual skill point assign, by meaning they are taking a control the way we manage our team. And the whole point of this game is management. I also understand that Nordues has so much things in common to make money but why they have to rush the unfinished product to the market. They are taking a step backward, they should bring back the old version until the new version gains it own improvement.

    I also remember there were few comments about being realistic. Some one has mentioned about a player in real life gets his skill right away after each training. That is a very true fact. But this is game, there is no way you can compare to real world. Yeah, let say Nordues is able to do so as they keep proudly try to get to that level. Then, why in the planet they created the "7 seconds training" for. Can you see my point? There is no way on earth have that kind a sportsman...even all cheaters whom use illegal dose to get stronger can earn some ability skill for that short period of training.
    Last edited by Scott Buck; 01-30-2015 at 04:43 AM.

  3. #573
    Famous Qambu Yaasi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Buck View Post
    I also remember there were few comments about being realistic. Some one has mentioned about a player in real life gets his skill right away after each training. That is a very true fact. But this is game, there is no way you can compare to real world. Yeah, let say Nordues is able to do so as they keep proudly try to get to that level. Then, why in the planet they created the "7 seconds training" for. Can you see my point? There is no way on earth have that kind a sportsman...even all cheaters whom use illegal dose to get stronger can earn some ability skill for that short period of training.
    There is no way to compare this to real life football, hence, anyone who wants an almost true to life manager game should go play FM15.

    But there are many who say that they want the manual assign capability back and yet justify that with real football, which is not true. That is why it is suggested, very specifically as an example, that players earn they skills automatically in real football.

    There are many more flaws of the new update but I am not making a fuss as I can continue to play - I don't take a mobile game too seriously. I would probably get upset to lose a match in FM15 tho.

    Some of the things that a lot of ppl in the forum have been asking for is given in this new update - to note is the nego function on mobile. The only major flaw at the moment for my is the battery use, thanks to the graphics. Oh yes, and also the cache. Account A will get Account B colors and name if u log in and out between accounts.
    Go Leo L24 Farmer ---

    Very Athletic L20 (Semi-Retired) --- Real Messy L16 (Retired) --- Athletic Kuching L17 --- Los Galaxy L14 28T

  4. #574
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    My player's that I was training a special ability for have not gone up a single training point since the update. So will nordeus be allocating them to the special ability when the update arrives ????

  5. #575
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Oh it's ok. I have just trained one and it said spec. That's a relief. Hurry up please nordeus with a further update. I never thought I would say that!!!

  6. #576
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Its been a very lousy update to say the least.... u gave 2-3 new things and took away 5-6 options of the old....

    Hell.... the new commentary is pathetic.... the tension and feel of the old is missing completely
    Knipser likes this.

  7. #577
    Dreamer Sully's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Qambu Yaasi View Post
    Yes that is exactly the workaround that I have in mind. But apparently most managers here are concerned that the skill points will be auto assigned from matches, hence they can't time the x4, x9 quality in order to transfer list he players to make it more attractive to buyers.

    The issue of Auto Assign is an issue just because the managers believe it is near impossible to sell a player that they do not need the services anymore if the quality does not end x4 or x9.

    But since we are given the option to view the current stats of the players, if he is that good, then I would have no problems buying an x2, x3 player.

    Personally if you want realism, this is much more real than manual assignment of skill points, as a real life manager cannot control how a player progress except for asking him to focus on a certain attribute.

    My only complain is that I cant see the height of the GK that I want to buy!
    This is not a case where the managers "BELIEVE" it to be and it "MIGHT" be true....IT IS A FACT! It is a FACT that is is hard to sell players at higher levels if they are not close to the next star. What is it going to take for you to take that foot out of your mouth and stop talking crap?

    And since when is this all about you? so what if you would have no problems buying a player regardless of quality? You obviously dont represent the majority. Since you are in the minority, who the hell cares what you think?

    Its been 3 days now and I cant sell my player and he is not X4 or X9. I guarantee you that if he was, he would be gone. I have 4 more days before his replacement has to be signed, and I will have to sack him and lose the $$$$ just to keep my replacement. On top of that I have wasted 3-7 days of training for the replacement. and dont say to me "dont buy a replacement until you sell your player" because when you get higher levels, its hard to find certain players or young age with certain positions. This is about managing, not just blowing money on scouts and powertraining.
    Enrico Habiger and PaCe Ros like this.

  8. #578
    Join Date
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    Konstanz, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by Sully View Post
    This is not a case where the managers "BELIEVE" it to be and it "MIGHT" be true....IT IS A FACT! It is a FACT that is is hard to sell players at higher levels if they are not close to the next star. What is it going to take for you to take that foot out of your mouth and stop talking crap?

    And since when is this all about you? so what if you would have no problems buying a player regardless of quality? You obviously dont represent the majority. Since you are in the minority, who the hell cares what you think?

    Its been 3 days now and I cant sell my player and he is not X4 or X9. I guarantee you that if he was, he would be gone. I have 4 more days before his replacement has to be signed, and I will have to sack him and lose the $$$$ just to keep my replacement. On top of that I have wasted 3-7 days of training for the replacement. and dont say to me "dont buy a replacement until you sell your player" because when you get higher levels, its hard to find certain players or young age with certain positions. This is about managing, not just blowing money on scouts and powertraining.
    Say no to auto assign skill points! We all have to do it! Everyone should make a post!
    PaCe Ros likes this.

  9. #579
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    I like would to hear some decent and credible explanation why Nordeus chose to make those changes, and most importantly if they are considering to adjust it back to everybodies likings, Auto- and manual assignment.

    Throughout this thread its mentioned as an game play improvement from Nordeus, while its simply not.
    I'm playing my 10th season, every season spent some 50-60 euros on players, (at times had to buy healthpacks due the high ammount of injuries and healthpacks to sustain training in such a way that players actually improved sufficently.

    I am not going to spend 1 more cent on this game, till and if it changes back.

    It has become crystal clearto me , that absolutely nothing is being done with the "feedback" other than stating, "Nordeus decided so, and thats how it stays).
    If players/customers would have been envolved in the making off the update, we wouldn't be in this situation to start with.
    Instead, discussions are being closed, and directed to the "Vent" thread (sound like giving kids "Time-out"), as in go there and "rant" all you want. (Nobody can and will hear you anyways)

    Poll on this thread, shows that beyond the majority doesn't like that update.................... so, whats going to happen with that info??
    Knipser likes this.

  10. #580
    Rookie Jernet's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
    I can live with auto-assignment of skill points, although I certainly do not like it. My main problem with auto-assigment is that it happens so quickly that you cannot keep track of what is going on:

    When a skill point is auto-assigned, be it after a match or after training, some small text flashes for a split second on your screen and then goes away. That makes it practically impossible so see which skill that the skill point went to.

    When you combine that fact with the problem of not being able to view exact percentages for players' condition, you get a situation where:
    1) You cannot really keep track of players' condition
    2) You cannot really keep track of players' progress.

    Now THAT is a big flaw in a football management game. You could argue that it takes the long-term management aspect out of the game and only leaves you with the match line-ups to manage. That is what it feels like to me.

    So, Nordeus: If you do not want to roll back on the auto-assigment, then at least:
    1) Make condition percentages visible
    2) Quickly find a better way of visualizing assigned skill points, because the current gone-in-a-flash visualization does not work at all.

    Last edited by Jernet; 01-30-2015 at 08:41 AM.
    Cat Harrison, Knipser and dave1311 like this.

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