There was another thread open called,, The update wasnt as much discussed as much as the topic says, Our discontent on the auto-assign. Most managers there, werent discontent with T11 2015, but most were simply pissed off on the fact off AUTO-ASSIGN.
Speaking for myselve, I would have most likely not be bothered with T11 2015 update, weren't for the auto-assign. Yes you can see effort been put in to improve the game on mostly graphics and ambiance. However , with the update came the notion, that managers should manage less.
Personally, I saw it as 2 separate things, the thread on the "Memorable" update T11 2015, and the managers discussing solely the fact off the impact off the auto-assign mostly. The other thread also had an vote poll where people could vote on that specific subject. Yet now , thats closed, and I guess we are expected to shut up??
Seeing how things are going, I expect to get banned for some trivial reason. Its your good right to do so. However, keep in mind, I have been polite, and just expressed my opinion, which you say you like to hear so much.....Our feedback.
If I do get banned............I will not spend 1 more cent into this game, nor my time. I find it a very childish and unreasonable way to react.
Most likely, the mod didn't like how the voting was going, I bet he wish he could auto assign the votes LOL