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Thread: Computer Managers outbidding real players

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Angry Computer Managers outbidding real players


    It's my first post and I just feel so strongly about an issue about a change in the game.

    After 3 years or so of playing I have invested plenty of cash but I REFUSE TO SPEND ANYTHING FURTHER whilst I keep being outbid by computer players. This is DISGUSTING and is just designed to increase the use of tokens and get more spend into the game

    For me I will spend as I see fit but whilst this situation exists i will not spend money on this game any further.

    Thoughts appreciated.

  2. #2
    VIP spornybol's Avatar
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    It`s not a bot team, if you have been reading forum they ( Nordues ) have mixed server`s up with Transfer market so you will see new bidder`s BUT also if you have played for 3 yrs then you should easily know when a bidding war is going on ?
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  3. #3
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nigel M Bailey View Post

    It's my first post and I just feel so strongly about an issue about a change in the game.

    After 3 years or so of playing I have invested plenty of cash but I REFUSE TO SPEND ANYTHING FURTHER whilst I keep being outbid by computer players. This is DISGUSTING and is just designed to increase the use of tokens and get more spend into the game

    For me I will spend as I see fit but whilst this situation exists i will not spend money on this game any further.

    Thoughts appreciated.
    App Managers have a picture that looks like the bot... but it isn't. There are no bot bidders, it was an actual person who out bid you.
    Gert Funck likes this.

  4. #4
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Do you have any picture to prove that?
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  5. #5
    VIP t11_fan's Avatar
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    Incomplete game loading

    I've faced same problem, those are not computer, but real players. Problem is that game didn't load info about manager which is common problem that appears in various shapes. It may be caused by low internet connection speed or some server problems. Sometimes game loads info later. Incomplete game loading might cause you don't see some friends and their fixtures, low number of players on auctions, lack of personal informations about other players etc.
    Easiest way to fix it is to refresh page.
    Last edited by t11_fan; 06-08-2015 at 02:15 PM.
    Ex top eleven player

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I don't believe it and will no spend more on the game as I have NEVER seen this problem in 3 years until this season.

    Its a cheap way of making more money and wrong so well done for loosing money from me/

  7. #7
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    Believe as you will. There are no bot bidders, nor have been. The plain icon is used for mobile teams and as t11 fan says when the picture is unavailable for whatever reason.
    t11_fan and La Morralla FS like this.

  8. #8
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Nigel, I will try to contact Nordeus for an official answer but regarding what t11_fan said he is right, on my old laptop I use to have this issue all the time... The OS was working kind hard and many times didn't loaded the page properly.
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  9. #9
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Computer Managers outbidding real players-robobot.jpg

  10. #10
    Famous Qambu Yaasi's Avatar
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    I use a Google account to log in. I dont have a profile picture loaded. So I guess I am a bot.
    Cat Harrison likes this.
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