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Thread: Let's all open tickets with Nordeus - More prize money/Old Cup format

  1. #21
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by horsey View Post
    As much as I like it this way as I have possibly more chance of winning it..the money is poor..
    Closer to reality.
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by PricopGeorgeCătălin View Post
    It's you and 100, I had hunderd of positiv comments on facebook page so honestly there is really nothing what should be changed on cup
    People dont want money....ok

    And you have always not answer my question.....

  3. #23
    Dreamer Joshiko's Avatar
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    honestly, i don't understand why many people say nordeus just want our money from this..

    i think nordeus is not stupid. they knew before implementing this system that there's gonna be riot like this. they knew also that many token buyers will be disappointed and might leave this game. so like i said before, this system is a big step for nordeus. i don't see greediness from nordeus here. i think they just want to make this cup "fair". by using this system, no matter how much money you put on this game, no matter how many years you spent in this game, the chance to get the cup will approximately be the same. people will share the same feeling of it.

    nordeus doesn't put this game on the real life football system or anything, they just want to make their users feel the same experience/difficulty. of course some of us will feel it's unfair, since this change is late for you. you used to struggle winning the cup when you were in low level. and once you think you get higher chance to win, nordeus set this up. i understand that. but sadly nordeus can't make everybody happy. i appreciate what they're doing and i want to try this new system. it's interesting, and challenging.

    it's funny honestly how some experienced players are whining about it and want to leave this game where usually they laugh on rich newbies who want to leave this game because of server down, injuries, or losing to a lower quality team. if you can make guide about how to beat hundreds of possible formations in top elf, why can't you make another guide about how to counter this system? i devise my strategy every season based on my experience and based on how the system works. and i think this new system is not something you cannot counter.

    this season surely i will be knocked out at first or second round but it's interesting to see how this system is going and to devise strategy for next season. and if you still feel angry or whatever, just stop buying tokens. i think this is also another bright side from this change..

    sorry, just my humble opinion

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshiko View Post
    honestly, i don't understand why many people say nordeus just want our money from this..

    i think nordeus is not stupid. they knew before implementing this system that there's gonna be riot like this. they knew also that many token buyers will be disappointed and might leave this game. so like i said before, this system is a big step for nordeus. i don't see greediness from nordeus here. i think they just want to make this cup "fair". by using this system, no matter how much money you put on this game, no matter how many years you spent in this game, the chance to get the cup will approximately be the same. people will share the same feeling of it.

    nordeus doesn't put this game on the real life football system or anything, they just want to make their users feel the same experience/difficulty. of course some of us will feel it's unfair, since this change is late for you. you used to struggle winning the cup when you were in low level. and once you think you get higher chance to win, nordeus set this up. i understand that. but sadly nordeus can't make everybody happy. i appreciate what they're doing and i want to try this new system. it's interesting, and challenging.

    it's funny honestly how some experienced players are whining about it and want to leave this game where usually they laugh on rich newbies who want to leave this game because of server down, injuries, or losing to a lower quality team. if you can make guide about how to beat hundreds of possible formations in top elf, why can't you make another guide about how to counter this system? i devise my strategy every season based on my experience and based on how the system works. and i think this new system is not something you cannot counter.

    this season surely i will be knocked out at first or second round but it's interesting to see how this system is going and to devise strategy for next season. and if you still feel angry or whatever, just stop buying tokens. i think this is also another bright side from this change..

    sorry, just my humble opinion
    Me, i dont say that. But without money of cup, game is less interesting... Too difficult if you dont buy token now...

  5. #25
    Famous Raykco's Avatar
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    I'm a bit disappointed about the new set-up of the new cup format, but I really can't see an answer.

    Many are saying, "go back to the old system". But, before the change, there were hundreds of posts saying the old system wasn't fair, and the matches were too lop-sided, with the vast differences in quality between teams. Many suggested "banding" of teams to make it more competitive. Now they've done just that, people are still not happy and want the old way back.

    It seems that Nordeus are in a lose / lose situation. They're damned if they do, and damned if they don't.

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  6. #26
    Dreamer Joshiko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomy31 View Post
    Me, i dont say that. But without money of cup, game is less interesting... Too difficult if you dont buy token now...
    yes but you are also on the same ground as others. even with players on different servers. all this time i never rely on cup prize money because i'm in new server so i have to figure out how to make my decision as manager cost efficient and beneficial

    it's not like that you are the only one without money here. other players also will feel the same. but i didn't say it's easy or interesting. i think we should find the interesting part in this system by ourselves.

    just have fun with it. live it and counter it. it's not like there's anything you can do to change the system now..

  7. #27
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    Big problem is price gain for a match.... 200k is nothing...and i always not understand why my friend same level has different price.... Someone can answer me please ???

  8. #28
    Addicted CameraLagg's Avatar
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    I agree with Pricop... It's fair now and I can actually think of winning the thing.. You can easily survive without the cup money and without buying tokens anyway.. I did it last season with great success The cup is like a bonus to me, and now that I can win it the bonus became much more interesting...

  9. #29
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomy31 View Post
    Me, i dont say that. But without money of cup, game is less interesting... Too difficult if you dont buy token now...
    You are complaing now but just to know even before there was a lot of players who had exactly like now and they didn't die.

    And the main point is that CUP is not that competition what should bring you moneys.
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  10. #30
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CameraLagg View Post
    I agree with Pricop... It's fair now and I can actually think of winning the thing.. You can easily survive without the cup money and without buying tokens anyway.. I did it last season with great success The cup is like a bonus to me, and now that I can win it the bonus became much more interesting...
    I am same and also now I have the chance to go more far and earn more moneys, last season when I was level 10, in 3rd round I was against level 15 who beated me without any problem.

    Now, I can feel that I play for the CUP
    CameraLagg likes this.
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