Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -
considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothingand pay to win has become to dominante
FireCats is testing level - 36 -
It's not a matter of believing, the influence of captain choice has soild evidence and could be proven scientifically, and indeed being proven by many managers who dared to try.
Since nord was not the people who originally developed the game I believe they do not understand the core game mechanics. Now this is a speculation.
hi Amani,It's not a matter of believing, the influence of captain choice has soild evidence and could be proven scientifically, and indeed being proven by many managers who dared to try.
as i can see, you like to play experimentally. Me too some times
in this thread , it's my team Tigran, it's in Greek section but if you see the pictures, you 'll get the idea.
The last one, #9 is now, from the middle of the season
It's a team from taken over, lv2, with players norgens, veterans and low q for dropping the quality (for the cup).
So far, has 27W-1D-1L. From today, I removed four players I had in Captains position.
I 'm sending you (pm) my fb address so we can be fb and watch my team closely.
There are also about 5 active members of the forum who are also fb friends (now with the cross of the servers in support), so also they can see my team and the results.
So far, the team is going great, with good chances for the treble.
If you study my team (as a fb friend) and you want me to use some other player (the worst ?) in captains position, I 'm waiting.
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
I try to pick a player with a bit of age and someone who is an MC or higher like AMC or ST.
Of course they understand!
It's a Free-To-Play (also known as Pay-to-Win) type of monetizing application, and the secret of the game is precisely to keep people speculating.
Gamasutra - Chasing the Whale: Examining the ethics of free-to-play games
It's the first football manager in the history of games where game mechanics is intentionally secret and where the developers themselves intentionally launch confusing soundbytes to spread speculation.