Lost the double. Crazy finale. I am up against an equal quality so everything is possible. Game starts and he gets 60% possession straight away. Ohoh. Hmmm, lets see how it goes. 1-0 behind. Damn, lets make a change. 2-0 behind. Wait wait wait, I was just subsituting somebody. Ah good substitute, I see a lot of green numbers. Lets check the stats. I had 2 shots at target after 36 minutes and he had 12 shots and 6 at target? What the.....
MC scores a 5,7. Lets switch him. Red numbers again. Sub made, lots of greens again. Animations in the last 55 minutes. 1 for me onlyI get ratings of a 7 on average. What is going on? 3-0 and 4-0. Oh that is going on
In the end possession equal. Shots 13 vs 20. Shots on target 4 vs 13. Saves 6 vs 3. This has to be one of the strangest games in my whole career.
Oh well first in the league, second in the CL and my second team league winner. Not a bad season.