For the first pic is easy to see that you bought a full young squad full of stars but this is not the target, understand one thing, that is very simple:
there are 2 types of players to put a example,
with 3* will score the 22% shoots, with 4* the 32% with 5* the 42% and then with higher level usually players tend to keep this ratio as max. and the extra stars are just to face the 1 vs 1
player 2
with 3* score the 3% 4* the 5% 5* the 8% and this 8% still even with the player trained till 9*
Bujak with 10 matches 5 goals 2 assist and 2 MoM, = 10 matches 7 goals, you should not sell these players, better a 6* or 7* or 8* that in 25 matches dont give you anything...
Then I would suggest you try attacking and not hard, because tend to be more effective, focusing passing in flanks and long pasing can be a good 1st group of orders, then if, for some reson the scenario is not in your favour, you can have prepared a 2nd group of orders, as defensive + focus passing in one side or so.
Counters and offside always active^^
believe me, the thing is find the good players, and keep them, you don't need buy a near-full 6* because you don't know the internal programming of these new players, so is like to start of 0 and without know anything about players, just the visual quality that, just tell you an idea, but no more.
Is better buy a 5* player in negotiations for example that you can see the stats with hsi old team than a 6* from scout of who you don't have any info about how can score or so....
Good luck^^ and keep calm, this happen