Hello Everyone!
Today we will talk about Video offers for boosters.
NOTE: I will also explain what to do in the case that you don't get your Token reward after completing some of the regular offers, at the end of the post.
First off - Video adverts are distributed by the service of
Offer Providers. These Providers show offers based on various demographics, such as region, account history, reward amount, time of year and others according to their interests. The videos' purpose is to "
advertise" to specific demographics, after all.
Thus availability of said video offers may vary each day. And by availability I mean the amount of videos you may get on a daily basis.
Now then, with that said - Not too long ago (In the merry month of May - 2016) we introduced something like a "soft-cap" to the overall amount of videos anyone can be provided by the offer providers each day.
This has been done after we analyzed a lot of data in regards to what is the availability of Videos on a global scale. Turns out that, and many have noticed this, there were some Managers out there who were receiving dozens upon dozens of boosters simply because of demographics.
And since telling the advertisers to simply "pump" more videos to people's accounts isn't an option, we decided to simply put a soft-cap that at least can minimize the disparity in availability.

What we did was basically compromising between profit and player-experience. We want the players to have the option to manage their Clubs properly even if they lack the financial status of other folk in the world.
"Yeah, yeah... rainbows and sunshine - Just tell me what's the soft-cap then, Jeeves?" - It's lower than before.

"Why so vague, Jeeves?" - Simple, we don't want people to abuse these soft restrictions, and believe me, giving out specific numbers provides such people the option to cheat and go around the rules.
Keep in mind that offer availability can change and if you have the option, I suggest that you log-in and check for offers on all the supported platforms. (i.e. iOS, Android, TopEleven.com, Facebook.com)
With all of that explained, let's jump in to the recent issues that we've been having with videos.
NOTE: Depending on when you read this post this information may vary in how accurate it is. Check the "Bugs and Technical issues" forum for up-to-date info on any such subject.
The issues with videos have been among the following - Crashing of the Video stream; Crashing of the Top 11 app; Video not playing to the end; Black screen; Booster not rewarded (Many times they are just delayed a bit); And some others.
To deal with these issues we have actively been gathering information and specific names of Videos Adverts from all the Players who took the time to take screenshots, report in detail what was happening, when was it happening and basically sometimes going out of their way to help out! Thank you so much to everyone.
Having this information we've been working hard with the Offer providers in order to fix these issues.
Thus, if you EVER experience a technical issue when trying to watch a video, make sure to write to our support team about it and provide as much assistance as you possibly can. It actually helps!
Finally a couple of words about Token offers - In the case that you don't receive your reward after completing an offer for Free Tokens, you have to do the following:
1. Go back to the Offer Wall of the Offer provider - The same place from which you took the offer.
2. From here you will have to contact the offer provider - Usually you have to look for a button with a label similar to - "Contact Support", "Missing Tokens", etc. You get the idea

(This button is usually located either at the top or the bottom of the wall or directly next to the offer)
3. Once you find it, click/tap the button and just follow the on-screen instruction.
4. If you are unable to open a ticket with the offer provider due to what-ever reason, just write to our support team and they will assist you!
NOTE: Administrators, Moderators and last but not least, Managers - Please redirect all "Video availability" conversations to this thread. Let's keep the place tidy and not open up new threads on the same matter on a weekly basis.