The game was cool, reasonable with the amount of pay for stuff and free stuff in a good balanced way...
...But as always greed just was stronger then you...Its not just the ridiculous amount of points needed to level up a player, and the endless training sections that most of them have no effect during you raised up to 8 the teams that go up...
Yet last season I was at 9th position and still you manage to screw my players stats down didn't promote my team but manage to do that just in case ...
I see now that this is a never ending story for the ones like myself that have not much money to pay for the damn tokens....face it I said to'll never have a team that reflects your stadium fact every season your team gets even worst and the buying players game is constant... Then you will wast all your tokens you manage to spare the greed of this game Devs in a market that as higher league you are more crappy players haves in the market...
Seriously... a player that haves total capacity in stats and skill of 64 % haves a value of 107 K in the market.....and you try to sell one of your team that haves total stats of 84 % and the maximum price tag allowed by the game is of 90 K....LMAO
for this reason you are getting people away....What started to be a cool Manager ended like a greed game....prices and other stuff you offer for winning competitions or other tournaments are just for making us believe we actually won something... in fact if you win a league your players should get valued for that and so their price up on the market...but not Sir..not here, here you are completely screwed so that you have no fun in winning what so ever in this game...
So last season I tried out to keep my team down of that announced 8th place and that way avoiding the promotion and that way make possible for me to level up my players in their stats...But for my surprise ...not possible I said it before...didn't complain thought it was for the season starting and then the game would reset for the new season...But Naaa...your greed goes far way then really the game....
Well...stay with your money sucking game....
Greedy people never got a F. Thing from it will not happen now as well...
Believing or not... you guys give bad credit to game developing ... I mean who cares about your darn videos , so emotional and then you see the real face of your intentions...
...I am not surprised...all games on face Book are like this....but you know Hope is the last thing to die...and I had hope in you and this game...
I leave one thing for you to think...
Football Manager 2017 cost today on Steam 41,24 Eurs....and its a Manager that you keep and can start and play whatever you want without paying a single cent more...ohhh and face it its a MANAGER ...your players develop you have everything and achieve real objectives that give you real prices as a Football Manager should always...
Top Eleven gives you the basic and apart from all the Money grabbing greed you had to add in the game the most important is the Token buying window...LMAO....
if you want 1031 Tokens you will pay... 100 Eurs.. Ohh sorry 99,99 Eurs....cause we are dumb Ass.... and for one cent we do not pay 100....
LOL....forgot to say that this Tokens if you buy them 1031 ...are not even enough to train a player to his higher stats and stars....LOL and LOL again....
So if you have eleven players without any more subs players will have to buy at least 11 times this value of tokens....
Hell yeah...we are Rich ...and this suck...s do not even get it... sure think that we are idiots.....but as most greed people often mistake in this matter.
Well this stays...I know you will delete it but dont matter will post on my FB page just to try to awake people for this matter...
And Go ahead...screw up Mr Mourinho Face in this game...
You are crap..and so this reflects in this game of yours...