As I have written in other thread I really enjoy selling at the right price.
Even I am not in need of tokens or money, I won't sell through negotiations cheap and for sure not for 0T.
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So let's have here some good selling stories and nice negotiation offers.
With my first team I have a bunch of players that will be at 99% in the very next days.
No need for money but I would not say no to some tokens more.
Riquelme is only 22yo but he does not perform well. Not bad but not well. I am not willing to spend greens on him and next season he will be 23, his training ratio will drop, he wont play even as backup so the next 99% wont be easy to catch. So I think it the right time to sell. Nothing less than 5T though. His positions, his SA, his age and his .... name are luring.
Puyol is in good age, he can be trained but I have no greens and I have already replacements 6 to 7 stars and younger.
So as he wont play next 99% will be hard to get. This player will be 99% in mid season or maybe the end.
So maybe it will be sold first day next season if I can him at 99%. Nothing less than 5T.
Nesta the same as Puyol has been replaced with younger players. Next year it will be 23 and he wont play a lot so hard to get him to next 99%. I like this player, solid performer. But unfortunately defenders do not grow in-game quality like attackers, so they need many greens. I keep 2-3 key defenders and rest are replaced at the right time. Nothing less than 5T.
Pogba hit the 23yo age, he wont reach next 99% with my team so it is time to sell. Fortunately replacement has been found but I will miss him a lot... solid performer. 4 seasons with my team, my main DMC. Nothing less than 5T.
These are my selling targets this year.
3 out of for will be 99% tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so it is early in the season and people will be still looking for players.
I will post the sales
With my second team I wanted to experiment.
Low level so lack of money.
I got the academy players, and he gave me with 10T a 4star near to 5star player.
I wanted to check if I can have an extreme profit.
If I give 15T to Nordeus I would get 3.6millions in this level.
Now I have spent 10T and no money for this player.
If I can grab more than 5T and the money through negotiations I will have gain around 9M whilst spending 5 tokens... not bad at all.
Let's see if I succeed. Nice positions and nice age I just hope I get him at 99% early this season.