The new transfer market. How is it works ?
It’s few days now that the transfer market working with a different way.
It’s not only that we can find nordgens (players not from other human managers but from bot T11 teams) in different times zones than the usual 04.00- 05.00 GMT and it’s not the new option where we take out token back after a lost auction.
It’s the fact that we can see only a range of players in the current tm.
Usually it’s 4-5 5* players, about the same with 4* players and the rest are 3* players.
As I have 5 teams with different levels (LV30, LV15, LV9, and two parked for many seasons in LV1) and saw that this situation is in all of my teams, I thought ...
Ok, if I can see so many 3* players in the market, that means another manager, 2 levels below me, can see them as 5* players.
But why never had a full t.m. with 5* ?
My thought is that this is a specific “pack” of players for every manager., at any time.
I had also an observation (among others).
Yesterday evening (21 of march) I spotted an interesting 5* player and add him in my favorite list.
As my team is complete I didn’t bid on him but kept the pic.
Today, evening again, when I logged, the tm had again this player in my favorite list and this time I bid on him and got him with one token.
He is not old, with 3 positions, very good stats and a good discount in his selling price.
An older time this could provoke a small bidding war.
Why not now, where we can take our token back if we loose the auction ?
Maybe because only me or other 1-2 (or just few) managers could see that player ?
Note : Rudi is a human player, not a bot (or at least looks that way – with a real photo in his profile)
Makarevich yesterday
Makarevich today
Is this the new scenario ?
* I took the dates of files too, just to show you some evidence.