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  1. #171
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    For me, the problem is with the word used itself: 'troll'. There are no 'troll' results in this game, but there are fixed results in this game for whatever reasons or matches where the game take the side of one team so much that the other team cannot win despite having quality and tactics, and whatever happens in those matches have not much sense. This can occur against whatever opponent - weaker, same quality or stronger, active or non-active. There are also unexpected or abnormal results due to flaws in this game.

    According to what some people refer as 'troll', it is where a weak, abandoned team (no manager, no training and so on) got a win or a draw against a much stronger team, but that is a fixed result too (in case it has nothing to do with tactics). This 'troll' word has nothing to do with it, and the topic of the thread itself needs correction, unless there are some people at Nordeus really acting like trolls where they are trolling some managers in this game or they created a virtual troll that is going here and there in the game trolling teams, that is, doing bad things on intention and making fun out of them.

    For me, what is happening in this game is probably due to attempts to simulate how things happen in real life, just that in real life there is no abandoned team with no manager and no training and so on. Other things have happened due to flaws too. For the first case, as long as this apply the same to every team in the same league, it is fair in some way to say, but sure it is a problem when it comes to knock-out stages. For the second case, the flaws need to be corrected.
    Last edited by Tactician; 06-21-2017 at 08:19 PM.
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  2. #172
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
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    But niko, I didn't think you would fall into the trap comparing this with reality man. It's not like Celta Vigo is an abandoned team playing with defenders as strikers

  3. #173
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    For me, the problem is with the word used itself: 'troll'. There are no 'troll' results in this game, but there are fixed results in this game for whatever reasons or matches where the game take the side of one team so much that the other team cannot win despite having quality and tactics, and whatever happens in those matches have not much sense. This can occur against whatever opponent - weaker, same quality or stronger, active or non-active. There are also unexpected or abnormal results due to flaws in this game.

    According to what some people refer as 'troll', it is where a weak, abandoned team (no manager, no training and so on) got a win or a draw against a much stronger team, but that is a fixed result too (in case it has nothing to do with tactics). This 'troll' word has nothing to do with it, and the topic of the thread itself needs correction.

    For me, what is happening in this game is probably due to attempts to simulate how things happen in real life, just that in real life there is no abandoned team with no manager and no training. Other things have happened due to flaws too. For the first case. as long as this apply the same to every team in the same league, it is fair in some way to say, but sure it is a problem when it comes to knock-out stages.
    Then Nordeus makes this on purpose. The only reason I could think of is trying to throw sand into our eyes hiding the fact that there are few active players in the game. Like we are dumb not to understand that, the latest competitions showed that well, only 3 active teams in my league. If the manager doesn't care about his team, the game engine shouldn't care either its useless and disrespectful to artificially make them stronger. Let those 2,3 or whatever active managers decide the title between themselves.
    Last edited by KenoticFC; 06-21-2017 at 08:17 PM.

  4. #174
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KenoticFC View Post
    But niko, I didn't think you would fall into the trap comparing this with reality man. It's not like Celta Vigo is an abandoned team playing with defenders as strikers
    Quote Originally Posted by KenoticFC View Post
    Then Nordeus makes this on purpose. The only reason I could think of is trying to throw sand into our eyes hiding the fact that there are few active players in the game. Like we are dumb not to understand that, the latest competitions showed that well, only 3 active teams in my league. If the manager doesn't care about his team, the game engine shouldn't care either its useless and disrespectful to artificially make them stronger. Let those 2,3 or whatever active managers decide the title between themselves.
    Take it easy or less seriously. I understand how it feels; I have been on that side too many times concerning this game itself. You can look among my older posts and you will probably see how many complaints I have made concerning this game in the past, some so much that some of the forum users themselves got annoyed with all those posts. Nik is trying to help, trying to contribute and also do his 'job' as forum moderator.

    On purpose....? I am not sure for all of the bad things, but maybe some of them. No one is perfect. If what has happened are due to attempts to simulate of how things happen in real life, then Nordeus missed that part where it comes to what if there were abandoned teams (no manager, no training and so on)? If it is due to flaws, then again people can make errors, and also errors or faults can happen in the game engine itself. What would be really bad is if Nordeus deliberately programmed things to significantly deceive people, make them lose and so on in an attempt to boost their profits. There are many deceiving things in this game, and lately many have noticed about the new ones - the player selling thing and the ratings of generated players sold via the auction market. But, given that this is out of the topic of this thread, I won't continue about that here.
    Last edited by Tactician; 06-21-2017 at 08:38 PM.
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  5. #175
    Famous Cloverfield's Avatar
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    I ve never been trolled while I was absent.

    All my troll results happen when I am in and Oppo is absent.

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  6. #176
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KenoticFC View Post
    But niko, I didn't think you would fall into the trap comparing this with reality man. It's not like Celta Vigo is an abandoned team playing with defenders as strikers
    of course not .
    it's not easy to make comparisons of T11 with real football.
    There are different situations.
    For example Real M. spent 45 M' euros for a 16 y.o. Brazilian talent when this maybe is the whole year's budget for Celta Vigo - lol

    For me, the problem is with the word used itself: 'troll'. There are no 'troll' results in this game, but there are fixed results in this game for whatever reasons or matches where the game take the side of one team so much that the other team cannot win despite having quality and tactics, and whatever happens in those matches have not much sense. This can occur against whatever opponent - weaker, same quality or stronger, active or non-active. There are also unexpected or abnormal results due to flaws in this game.
    I totally agree with you Tactician.
    We understand that there are fixed results (when we loose or can't win ).
    If we are facing a simple 5* (without an active manager), maybe we can accept this but when the time has come for a fix result and facing an abandoned, very weak team, it's a troll which make us angry.
    The game calculation must recognize our oppo situation and deffer this procedure ()
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  7. #177
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    Take it easy or less seriously. I understand how it feels; I have been on that side too many times concerning this game itself. You can look among my older posts and you will probably see how many complaints I have made concerning this game in the past, some so much that some of the forum users themselves got annoyed with all those posts. Nik is trying to help, trying to contribute and also do his 'job' as forum moderator.

    On purpose, I am not sure for all of the bad things, but maybe some of them. No one is perfect. If what has happened are due to attempts to simulate of how things happen in real life, then Nordeus missed that part where it comes to what if there were abandoned teams (no manager, no training and so on)? If it is due to flaws, then again people can make errors, and also errors or faults can happen in the game engine itself. What would be really bad is if Nordeus deliberately programmed things to significantly deceive people, make them lose and so on in an attempt to boost their profits. There are many deceiving things in this game, and lately many have noticed about the new ones - the player selling things and the ratings of generated players sold via the auction market. But, given that this is out of the topic of this thread, I won't continue about that here.
    Thanks for the concern man but regarding nik I said that in a joking way .Believe me I don't lose sleep over the game.
    My philosophy is simple, if you abandon your controller in Fifa the oppo.will score, the same in a first person shooter ,they will take you out there is no computer who takes over and plays for you.
    My theories are basically these
    1. Troll results are really just the result of a bad engine
    2. On purpose to deceive us like I explained in the previous post.
    3. They just help the predetermined winner lift the crown at the end, no matter how well you might have done against him in direct matches.
    madflo19 likes this.

  8. #178
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
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    My concerns are not really about the name we put to these results(trolls,fixed,abnormal) yes they have different meaning but we basically use them to describe that type of outcome. I think we all went with the most popular choice "troll"

  9. #179
    Champion madflo19's Avatar
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    @Nik When Real Madrid or any other real team will play in +- 1lvl champions league,then we should compare T11 with real football,let's not take only bad results from big teams and say T11=real football ������
    nash123 likes this.

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  10. #180
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KenoticFC View Post
    Thanks for the concern man but regarding nik I said that in a joking way .Believe me I don't lose sleep over the game.
    My philosophy is simple, if you abandon your controller in Fifa the oppo.will score, the same in a first person shooter ,they will take you out there is no computer who takes over and plays for you.
    My theories are basically these
    1. Troll results are really just the result of a bad engine
    2. On purpose to deceive us like I explained in the previous post.
    3. They just help the predetermined winner lift the crown at the end, no matter how well you might have done against him in direct matches.
    Yes, but that comes to the issue I have raised or said in some other posts - how much control we, as managers have on our team and how much influence we can have on the performances of players, their behaviours, the match results and so on by doing actions in the game. How much can we control in terms of managing a team itself like the style of play, the tactics and so on, and how much of that is reflected on the pitch. In this game, we have limited control; most things have little effect and some are just cosmetic, and some do not respond logically. Clear improvements required in this game would be to provide more control to managers but less cosmetics and also less non-logical responses, but the game also has to stay in the limit of being an online and mobile game too. For sure, there is room for improvement.

    Oh and in Fifa there is; you just have to slide your controller icon to the neutral area (neither right nor left).
    Last edited by Tactician; 06-21-2017 at 09:09 PM.
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