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Thread: Recommended players are fixed ?

  1. #51
    Dreamer Vuslanot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Antarctica, with penguins and seals.
    Recommended players are fixed ?-813d7d74-bc81-4782-84c0-d56c27043bc9.jpg

    A Vanatuan. lol I am about to rename him after Bergomi.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Recommended players are fixed ?-b9510a84-14a2-4456-a6a4-0b2bf492d67d.jpg

    Why the quality and the price of them have been changed? They are useless with their current conditions at the moment. I wouldn’t pay a player whom I could buy by 79 Tokens for a 5% quality, which I could impose way too cheaper.

    Seriously, Nordeus? I have a question to the one orders these prices; Are you taking a piss? You can earn a bit more by consuming the tokens faster, however you will lose the double of it with these marketing policies.

    I have started to play the game and come here to have a bit of fun and retrospectively remember the good memories, that’s why I am not willing to rant. However, I have already been pissed by these kind of abnormal rip-offs such as this and the abnormal strength of the event teams.

    I am feeling I am being forced to befooled at the moment. Does fooling or mocking, whatever it is, the people play your game make you happy? Don’t you guys feel the guilty conscience just a bit?

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    I have just realized this one’s price has been changed as well.

    Recommended players are fixed ?-8340d0b6-522f-4052-98a0-9894a3ecf67e.jpg

    Well, what is the point of recomendeds then? Increase its price, so that players are forced to buy the scouts.

  4. #54
    Dreamer Vuslanot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Antarctica, with penguins and seals.
    Recommended players are fixed ?-f2648765-e611-4721-a675-297c3952fd7d.jpg

    Are the recommended players come out everyday from now forth?

    I had another one yesterday as well. I didn’t screenshot him unfortunately though.

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