Thank you for your input mate.
No, my team is full of 7* footballers, everybody has special ability and I am usually winning trebles with no problem. Then FA comes and I keep losing against 6* teams. I do not know what is going there, my fellows from FA has the same problem. I dont say I lose everything but you know how it goes, you play season, you lose 1 game maybe whole season (even assistant manager stated "it wasnt our day" but in FA its not our day all the time lol. I have like 1000 Tokens, I dont play it for the rewards, I am there 90% of the matches supporting others as well. Idea is good, dont get me wrong, its just not finished to the perfection. I dont mind losing one or two games per month, but the ratio is much more higher than that. If they improve it, fair enough, but it seems they dont.
Here you go one example