The new formation system could be very nice, if it would work. I think, this is just cosmetic... not more. And it is still buggy:
-) set my DL/DR to most offensive, they never were neary the opponents box (TE2017: put arrow on DL/DR and they are very often at oppo box)
-) AML/AMR field is buggy like hell: even if I set them in the middle of their field, they play center (don't know if it's MC or AMC). It doesn't matter, if I put them to the out-line or close to the center... they play every time center. They only way to get them playing AML/AMR is to put them close to ML/MR position... and than they act very defensive)
--> my AML scored 75 goals in 37 games. 3 games since update and he scored only one goal (cause you can't get him offensive)
-) used AMC and ST: offensive ST, "normal" AMC. The ST was alway behind my AMC. AMC always start at the animation at ST.
-) If I put the ST close the AMC, at the animations, there was no ST at all...
-) I put one MC a bit more offensive and he was always more defensive than the 2.MC, who played "normal".
This is the biggest crap... one day before CL-final and (maybe for promations/staying) FA-finals and that system doesn't work.