Okay, here's my take on Top11 2018 Pros & Cons.
-Cool music
-Loan removal on Association (some been complaining bout this but this is the right solution regarding player who exploited loan system in Association)
-New setpiece takers/captain consist of only 1 name is a regress over the past version. (where we can have 5-10 players for setpiece/captains)
-The subs formation was really bad, no names only numbers and jersey in the tactic during match and no confirmation/save button, the manager with big fingers or small phone or really ****ty mouse/touchpad on computers might made mistake on substitution or change tactics during matches.
-Removal of DML and DMR, so you guys convert the DML and DMR to DL and DR, fine. But to others who have DLDML and DRDMR should get DL/ML and DR/MR you think people don't spend rests/tokens to train the DML/DMR position from DL/DR?
-Return the old setpiece/captain list order back to 5-10 players instead of selecting only 1 player.
-Return the confirmation/save button and names of players on live match tactics.
-Give all managers 50-100tokens as a compensation for a really bad updates that's full with bugs and removing good features from previous version. Other games would compensate their players whenever they fuked up during patches/updates of their games but you guys hardly give us any compensations for your messed ups