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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: Academy players

  1. #31
    Dreamer meis's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    Thanks for the fix.
    Last edited by meis; 11-14-2017 at 01:43 AM.

  2. #32
    Antonio Gustavo Hernandez
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeeves View Post
    My message was clear and to the point, if there is a patronising feel to my words then I will apologise for that as it wasn't intended. I greatly dislike that kind of attitude and tend not to emulate it.

    How you wrote your latest reply is exactly on the point I was trying to make, as in - How can a message be relayed better - Its clear and to the point. And I know you have other posts that definitely don't cross a line or feel spiteful or what have you. What eventually starts looming around the corner though is that the attitude can deteriorate. I'm not citing you in particular - This is an observation. But in those cases everyone can expect me to come and say, Hi.

    Be that as it may, numerous times in this forum have I expressed that everyone should in fact continue to complain if they have something to complain about, criticise if they have something to be critical about, praise when they feel its just and due. The last thing anyone should take out of my message is that expressing yourselves is prohibited.

    That which should be taken from it, and I will repeat it once more, is that the clearer the message is without being "spiced up" with the elements I already mentioned in my last post, the more readable and comprehensive it is.

    The emotional charge behind each and every post on this forum is very clear, additional "markers" with which to make the point of a message stand out aren't needed. The point is fully distinct as is. Again, these just devalue what is being said.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeeves View Post
    My message was clear and to the point, if there is a patronising feel to my words then I will apologise for that as it wasn't intended. I greatly dislike that kind of attitude and tend not to emulate it.

    How you wrote your latest reply is exactly on the point I was trying to make, as in - How can a message be relayed better - Its clear and to the point. And I know you have other posts that definitely don't cross a line or feel spiteful or what have you. What eventually starts looming around the corner though is that the attitude can deteriorate. I'm not citing you in particular - This is an observation. But in those cases everyone can expect me to come and say, Hi.

    Be that as it may, numerous times in this forum have I expressed that everyone should in fact continue to complain if they have something to complain about, criticise if they have something to be critical about, praise when they feel its just and due. The last thing anyone should take out of my message is that expressing yourselves is prohibited.

    That which should be taken from it, and I will repeat it once more, is that the clearer the message is without being "spiced up" with the elements I already mentioned in my last post, the more readable and comprehensive it is.

    The emotional charge behind each and every post on this forum is very clear, additional "markers" with which to make the point of a message stand out aren't needed. The point is fully distinct as is. Again, these just devalue what is being said.
    You only depict yourself,

    The whole situation shows your ignorance, don't insist, you only come here to write something when you want to. I say why you came here to warn me, because your useless employee complained, I ask you then, why didn't you show up in the Top Eleven 2018 thread, there are many posts like that, if you say "HI" only when you want to, you may simply get your answer.

    If your employee insults me with his/her ignorance I would simply insult him/her. You are both the staff side and faulty, still trying to legitimate your fault. You can only fool fools with these poor gimmicks. Don't mistake me for those.

    Anyway, don't forget who you are, I am the customer if I stop using your services you are nothing and have no right to apply any sanction. I guess the point is very clear, and no need any more fancy words like you use. And don't get me wrong I'm not trying patronize like you do, I am only telling the truth.

  3. #33
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Gustavo Hernandez View Post
    If your employee insults me with his/her ignorance I would simply insult him/her.
    You are an asshole, dude.
    Gobobo likes this.
    It wasn't our day.

  4. #34
    Apprentice Gobobo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toxcatl View Post
    You are an asshole, dude.
    I clicked 'like' because I agree with your comment, although it's kind of using poor, insulting language to protest another's insulting language, which the reply you're responding to is doing the same because of some perceived insult they received. Or something. Oh I've gone cross-eyed.
    *slowly backs out of thread*
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Academy players-816.jpg  
    xander likes this.

  5. #35
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gobobo View Post
    it's kind of using poor, insulting language to protest another's insulting language
    Exactly. But at least he will understand.
    Last edited by Toxcatl; 11-14-2017 at 02:22 PM.
    It wasn't our day.

  6.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #36
    Administrator SausyFC's Avatar
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    Closing this thread. Issue solved.
    Altiplano and Niddhoeggr like this.

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