I went for another 2 scouts, a DC that played as a DR for Cancello, and a ST that was in the bench till the 86' cause as in the case of ma DL, Iordanidis, I wanted to potentiate some wake positions, to have better AvQ for the simulation but keeping under the field players like, this one, Iordanidis who have 340% of speed and fitness, so worked. Seems I overcomed the 122% after train a little and adding these new players lately - I bought... 3 + 2 today, and we won 4-0 in the final with a excellent job of the academy DC we have, Castaño, who scored, and was the MoM.
I decided to put the new DC as DR cause the other DC+DR I bought have aerial ability and did it great as DC, too McLeish (AMC) played as MC for Sabzi, AMC too who was as MC before. Happy with the GK who did amazing saves.
Tactically perfect before and during match, CL spot next season, hope as in this edition I'll not face a amount of +1 level teams.
I did well leaving the CL group (=^-^=)