I get your point, but in that respect I also have the right to whine about other people whining.
That wasn't my issue though; I was asking why people are so upset about the game being made more realistic. I can see your point about it becoming stale, the live play gets monotonous, training and watching ads every day also does. As does the constant begging for coins, both players I spent a few hundred coins on proved to be detrimental to the balance of my team.
It's only a game on your phone, though. People should understand that it has inherent limitations, and that if they want a portable version of Football Manager 2018... well, it doesn't exist, does it? This is pretty much the best they're going to get that fits in their pocket. It being made more realistic is, surely, a step in the right direction. It isn't perfect - far from it - but allowing mutants to be trained can't be good for the game's overall playability, in the long run. The evolution in the game is going to have some hits and some misses. I can't say for sure if the latest is one or the other, as I said I never faced mutant teams and always tried to have balanced players that could all attack and defend. My record's not brilliant, but neither is the record of any real team in a real league.