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Thread: The end of an era

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    My main issue is, Top Eleven know full well about cheats operating, and that they exist and who they are, but continue to do nothing about it, to ensure correct playing people, choose to 'purchase' in order to stand any chance of matching cheat players. Its all about money for T11, and they've continued to prove this. The rubbish they say about contacting support is a load of rubbish, they do nothing, create a file or some crap, and you can send all the evidence in the world, and what do they do? - NOTHING

    So being clued up in law and online crime, I'm gonna make it my obligation to all those fair playing players, to ensure Top Eleven are correctly dealt with in this matter, I'll be also be going for all players that have made any form of purchase in the last 12 months, be reimbursed, and of course my main goal is going to be, having T11 scrapped completely. Whilst that may sound harsh and unrealistic, believe me when I say, I've all the evidence piled up against them, safely stored, as have been keeping a log of it for over a year now
    rogerniceguy likes this.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Losing penalty to a -30% bot team with my top ST and AM missing all PK in a ridiculous way (ball shoot to outside of the goal for all 3) in IC.
    And top of that I had a 3-0 lead in half time.

    Im really fed up with this game now. At least I can leave this ****ty game with a last treble for this season with more time to spare.

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    well pointed mikey! that's exactly the same issues i deal with. and they're annoying as hell. this was the wierdest season i ever had. last season i made the triple crown. perfect season, only 1 draw, all wins. this season started the same, only wins, i was pretty sure i'll get another triple. BUT, suddenly, i lost the first round of the CL semi-final and after that lose i lost another 4 games in a row. never again in 4 years something like that happened to me: 5 losses in a row. 3 in league, one in CL semi and the cup final (with someone in my league that i beat 5-0). in all those matches i had at least 60% possesion but very few shots on target. lots and lots of chances, every single one missed. and opponents from 3 chances scoring 2 goals... and i couldn't do anything...any substitution i made had 6 rating instantly. i mean, ffs, really???

    not to mention the association problems (where i get hummiliated by 20-30% weaker teams even if i didn't lose a match the entire season), and that strange "bug" when i'm disconnected during an important match and can't log back in. happened to me as well and i just don't think that's a coincidence.

    Same problems, 0 solutions, over and over again. nordeus still fix results, associations still don't know how they work, after 2 years, mutant players everywhere, tankers as well, just to win some extra tokens from associations... that's too much, and it's not fun anymore, maybe it's time to let it go. more managers like us and they'll remain to play only with those unbeatable bots from the IC. just pathetic.
    Altiplano likes this.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Well mickey, 4ce , funker...I have the same ugly and pathetics bugs: CL final: 119% me vs 116% opponent +1 level. Me 77 % possession, 26 targets. Bonus 8% and with my friends a+14% posseession...the other manager obviusly missing. He scored 2 goals in 13 minuts...well finally at 82' I draw. Extra opportunities...penalties a drama. My best 4 players miss in a row. This team fires me on cup with a 4-0 away ...66%poss..targets...etc. At home only 2-0 with my DC scoring. You are not alone people....

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    I love the way no one from Top 11, or a forum mod/admin have the guts to write a reply, let me guess, its above their pay grade to get this involved?
    If a person commits a crime, the police charge them based on evidence, so I rest my case, enough said

  6. #16
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Northallerton, United Kingdom

    The end of an era

    Mods don’t get paid dude. Most of us have the same issues and we report them via our channels We are all as frustrated with the bugs and issues so it is a bit unfair to have a pop at Mods when our role is to Police the forum and provide knowledgeable answers and assistance. Sadly we do not have a magic wand to make the bugs disappear!
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
    Level 131
    50 League
    8 Champions/Elite League
    4 Super League/Gold Cup
    12 Cup

    1 Super Cup

    Top Eleven Forum Moderator

  7. #17
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeyPosh View Post
    I love the way no one from Top 11, or a forum mod/admin have the guts to write a reply, let me guess, its above their pay grade to get this involved?
    If a person commits a crime, the police charge them based on evidence, so I rest my case, enough said
    Do you want an answer? send a ticket. Cause all the mods here are normal players, as u, and all the other forumers, and many of us have been playing for more than 5 years, so be sure that we are aware and we know about the actual game situation, and be sure, that we are the first to complain.

    Take it with calm, Conan detective.^^

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    Mods don’t get paid dude. Most of us have the same issues and we report them via our channels We are all as frustrated with the bugs and issues so it is a bit unfair to have a pop at Mods when our role is to Police the forum and provide knowledgeable answers and assistance. Sadly we do not have a magic wand to make the bugs disappear!
    I have a lot of admiration for the admins and mods. It's a thankless task. They get pulled to pieces unfairly by moaning whiners to be honest. The game is in a bad state but why is that the mods and admins fault?

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
    dave1311 and Altiplano like this.

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