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After 4 years of playing, its time to retire from the game, given the fact, its become a joke of a game, where T11's only aim to increase bottom line profit, hence not doing anything about cheats, where us law abiding players, would have to purchase more rests/tokens to stand any chance. So its back to Candy Crush for me, as I free up space on my phone
1 Last rant -
Clearly there has been a new match engine implemented, without so much as a statement about it. T11 must think certain players are gullible to think everything is running the same as it was a few weeks back. More so in Association games, where I've found myself getting battered to teams over 30% less than me, and nothing can justify it. My key and non-key attributes are far more superior to that of my opponents. Like many other flaws in the game, something somewhere has been implemented or... a new flaw has been found enabling teams to take multiple bonus' on association games or something like that
1. Tankers continue to exist, where T11 continue to ignore this
2. The Association World 100, you'll see at No 1, No 2, a few teams, in how their players' attributes are manipulated, so what do T11 do? - ignore it
3. Although players % is capped now at 180%, teams who had trained theres beyond this prior, still have these players, so where T11 could just reduce them to 180%, what do they do? - ignore it
This isn't about being a bad loser, its about criminal activity, from T11, who let such cheats continue to ensure they make money elsewhere, especially then the evidence is there to be seen in point 2.