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Thread: Why do these people even play the game?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    I play always for winnning, and the tankers should face penalty, or for example they can not grow bigger than 130% level of their players, so the use of tanking many season and have team like 160% and higher is history..

    More enjoyment for everyone
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  2. #12
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    Dec 2017
    Just played a team who are 40% higher than everyone else in the league - so far P4 L4 minus 30 goal difference. Plays his entire team on the wings (typical tank formation). Plays me today (one of three P4 W4 teams) and suddenly it’s full formation. It’s a miracle I only lost 1-2. I don’t care if people want to tank but at least do it on a fair and consistent basis - don’t try to play God with the league 😡

  3. #13
    Famous Bunzo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robsterscot View Post
    Just played a team who are 40% higher than everyone else in the league - so far P4 L4 minus 30 goal difference. Plays his entire team on the wings (typical tank formation). Plays me today (one of three P4 W4 teams) and suddenly it’s full formation. It’s a miracle I only lost 1-2. I don’t care if people want to tank but at least do it on a fair and consistent basis - don’t try to play God with the league 😡
    Its the weekend mate
    The Wankers...sorry Tankers wake up for Association games
    nikolgiorgos and rogerniceguy like this.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Bunzo View Post
    Its the weekend mate
    The Wankers...sorry Tankers wake up for Association games
    Hence why I call them t(w)ankers lol. Sorry I detest the whole practice with a passion. #playtowinffs

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

  5. #15
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Robsterscot View Post
    Just played a team who are 40% higher than everyone else in the league - so far P4 L4 minus 30 goal difference. Plays his entire team on the wings (typical tank formation). Plays me today (one of three P4 W4 teams) and suddenly it’s full formation. It’s a miracle I only lost 1-2. I don’t care if people want to tank but at least do it on a fair and consistent basis - don’t try to play God with the league 😡
    that's ****, if you want to stink up the league stink up the whole league, but don't victimise some over others, that's wrong

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Reece p FC View Post
    that's ****, if you want to stink up the league stink up the whole league, but don't victimise some over others, that's wrong
    the worst thing about this is the moderators like NIKO the greek, and KHRIS are the biggest tankers going in top 11, they like all tanker comments and literally encourage it !
    WHAT HOPE DO WE HAVE !! along with all the other experts on here with 1000+ posts who live on here.
    they are supposed to be moderators not encouragers to ruin the damn game !!!!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Why do people tank?

    People tank so they can have an advantage when it comes to winning trophies. Increased quality, extra rest packs farmed, massive quality so when playing normally, no need to spend greens to win trophies. It's all a mechanism to unlevel the playing field, to have an advantage over other managers. It's similar to buying tokens, but a tanker generally leeches off the game, while a token buyer invests in nordeus, but both are doing so to have an advantage. It's human nature to seek a means of gaining an advantage over the competition.

    The sad thing is, It's a strategy that has been around for years, yet nordeus has done nothing to alleviate it's abuse.

    And to be frank, many managers only have a problem with exploiting, if the exploiting causes them to lose. For example, how many complaining about association exploiters, win several triple crowns due to manipulating CL and cup draws to play down a level? In both examples, we have someone ruining the game for other managers. Many that are exploiting, may not even realize that they are exploiting, they might even have some stupid hogwash moral justification for their exploiting.
    Last edited by pcmacdaniel; 07-01-2018 at 05:45 AM.
    rogerniceguy and Bunzo like this.
    Level 40 Manager

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by pcmacdaniel View Post
    Why do people tank?

    People tank so they can have an advantage when it comes to winning trophies. Increased quality, extra rest packs farmed, massive quality so when playing normally, no need to spend greens to win trophies. It's all a mechanism to unlevel the playing field, to have an advantage over other managers. It's similar to buying tokens, but a tanker generally leeches off the game, while a token buyer invests in nordeus, but both are doing so to have an advantage. It's human nature to seek a means of gaining an advantage over the competition.

    The sad thing is, It's a strategy that has been around for years, yet nordeus has done nothing to alleviate it's abuse.

    And to be frank, many managers only have a problem with exploiting, if the exploiting causes them to lose. For example, how many complaining about association exploiters, win several triple crowns due to manipulating CL and cup draws to play down a level? Both examples, we have someone ruining the game for other managers. Many that are exploiting, may not even realize that they are exploiting, they might even have some stupid hogwash moral justification for their exploiting.
    Thats true. Every change against any exploit has given a negative response. Not helped the changes are accompanied by bugs of course.

    Also nordeus match making an issue. For me game needs a mega clean up. Remove inactive teams. Merge servers. Merge some levels if need be to help higher levels. Then stop the +1 unfair draws. Eliminate tanking. And draws based on best eleven. Game is not called Top Fourteen lol

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
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  9. #19
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richie72 View Post
    the worst thing about this is the moderators like NIKO the greek, and KHRIS are the biggest tankers going in top 11, they like all tanker comments and literally encourage it !
    WHAT HOPE DO WE HAVE !! along with all the other experts on here with 1000+ posts who live on here.
    they are supposed to be moderators not encouragers to ruin the damn game !!!!
    At least Niko and Khris have post a hundred posts each about how to improve the game, suggestions, unfair issues. Your posts have only irony, moaning and drinking bs.
    Last edited by Ποσιδονας; 07-01-2018 at 10:05 AM.
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  10. #20
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogerniceguy View Post
    Thats true. Every change against any exploit has given a negative response. Not helped the changes are accompanied by bugs of course.

    Also nordeus match making an issue. For me game needs a mega clean up. Remove inactive teams. Merge servers. Merge some levels if need be to help higher levels. Then stop the +1 unfair draws. Eliminate tanking. And draws based on best eleven. Game is not called Top Fourteen lol

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
    Agree, that’s what I m talking about. Starting from top100. The game didn't have those problems before associations.
    Bunzo likes this.

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