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Thread: I quit; I really want message the support section and ask them for a refund.

  1. #1
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    I quit; I really want message the support section and ask them for a refund.

    I just returned to game after about 1 year of absence. I played 1 season and the matches so far for this season. I am not satisfied at all - very poor and disappointing game with lots of nonsense, poor controls and other negatives, and what I seen today was just the last drop missing for the container to overflow.
    The problem is I just re-joined the association I founded way back but I suppose they can understand. Another problem is I just bought the 30-day subscription.

    Oh well, if I am not able to get a refund, they can keep the money. I am out of this game. Thank you to everyone of the forum for your help, support or for your time.

    (Update: I got my refund via Google Play support.)
    Last edited by Tactician; 08-24-2018 at 07:45 AM.
    pjBS, Bunzo and Lukáš Ledecký like this.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    You looks in a habbit of quiting and restarting.

  3. #3
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mak112 View Post
    You looks in a habbit of quiting and restarting.
    A habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly. If what is in my signature fits into the definition of habit in your point of view, then something is wrong with you.
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  4. #4
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    I told you, its not good period for restart ING the game.
    Try the 2019 version.
    Maybe we ll see new features in training and asso games.

  5. #5
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    I told you, its not good period for restart ING the game.
    Try the 2019 version.
    Maybe we ll see new features in training and asso games.
    I have played older versions of this game, but the latest ones been the most disappointing. They have not improved this game; only put new things in an attempt to motivate or tempt newcomers or people that fall into their trap to play and make purchases. I have not liked it at all but is ok; I got a refund for the purchase else would been waste. I did not plan to make any purchase as such but I made the purchase after I rejoined for associations two days ago in an attempt to improve the team, but as you can see there have been way too many negatives to even bear further. After the last '****' I seen today where the opposing manager was absent, the container overflowed. I don't know how to described the current game; maybe like a board (with illogical ROM chips) and monitor with deceiving information, deceiving labels, broken switches or switches that don't work as they should but still making click sounds and displaying things which might fool the user, or maybe an illusive toy for kids or maybe a boat with a captain on the wheel and with the help of his crew, thinking he is in control of where the boat will go, but instead the boat is like autonomous and will even defy logic and and start flying in the air like an aeroplane? Or maybe the problem is only with my account and few others, who knows, as some people still seem to like playing it. I made the best decision: quit, and attempt to get a refund too.
    Last edited by Tactician; 08-24-2018 at 09:53 AM.
    pjBS and USARABAT like this.
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  6. #6
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    Dude you cant expect to win every match or league there are 14 playsrs all wants to win but only 1 will and ye some wont even promote...
    Some will win and for them to win other will need to lose there cant be 10 winners.

    Also specing the match brings 8% poss difference this is a drop in a cup filled with water...
    If you spec all matches you will only improve results in few of them and sometimes cuz of it you wont lose 3:0 but just 2:0 but sometimes 1:1 draw will end in 2:1 win

  7. #7
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitja fc View Post
    Dude you cant expect to win every match or league there are 14 playsrs all wants to win but only 1 will and ye some wont even promote...
    Some will win and for them to win other will need to lose there cant be 10 winners.

    Also specing the match brings 8% poss difference this is a drop in a cup filled with water...
    If you spec all matches you will only improve results in few of them and sometimes cuz of it you wont lose 3:0 but just 2:0 but sometimes 1:1 draw will end in 2:1 win
    No offence meant but really what are you talking about? You don't get it; it is like me having talked about A and B but I got replies about Y and Z. You seemed to mix the complaints of others on this forum with my situation or generalising cases or making assumptions. I never complained about losing and surely never said anything as 'win every match or everything'. It is not about winning or losing. It is about how teams win and lose in this game, what affects the results and to what extent, and how much this game is really about being a football manager and playing as football manager. I played this game for a season and a few more games now, and I can say that playing this game like a proper football manager should be is like banging his head against a wall, and not only that, there will be some buckets of water thrown from the top of the wall too. This is my opinion and I have taken the best decision. Case closed and I am off from the forum too.
    Last edited by Tactician; 08-24-2018 at 10:30 AM.
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  8. #8
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    You don't get it. it is not about winning or losing. It is about how teams win and lose in this game. I played this game for a season and a few more games now, and I can say that playing this game like a proper football manager should be is like banging his head against a wall, and not only that, there will be some buckets of water thrown from the top of the wall too.
    I told you this the 1st time you started playing... or you play in favour of the game, understanding how it works, or no way. You've been playing practically all times thinking in "how the game should be", and I remember that I told this to you and to many ppl Tactician, this takes managers to a point that really is far away from the mechanism of the game....

    Still we r waiting for a better version for T11 2019.... I guess there should be a inflection point looking the whole situation of the actual version... xD

  9. #9
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    I told you this the 1st time you started playing... or you play in favour of the game, understanding how it works, or no way. You've been playing practically all times thinking in "how the game should be", and I remember that I told this to you and to many ppl Tactician, this takes managers to a point that really is far away from the mechanism of the game....

    Still we r waiting for a better version for T11 2019.... I guess there should be a inflection point looking the whole situation of the actual version... xD
    I know there is a way: to play in a such a way which I will refer to as playing deliberately the nonsense way because this his how the game functions, but I was not here to play the game just to win but to play properly and to get results appropriately. Another way to describe: if I joined a mathematics game, I put 2+2 = 4 and I get 1 mark, I will be happy and if I put 2+1 = 5 by mistake or due to poor mathematics skills, I will be happy to not get any mark, but if I did not get for 2+2= 4 while someone else put 2+2 = 5 or even leaves it as a blank and he gets 1 mark or worst 2 marks (yes, he gets 1 bonus point on top of that), and such nonsense situations happens a lot then why I am even playing this game for? I did not join into the mathematics game just to get highest marks and win, but to win with the proper sense of the game and its title. If I was just to win and no care, I just do things like 2+2 = 5 or leave blanks too, and I will get the highest marks every time but that is nonsense playing.

    Sometimes I ask myself, do really those things happening in the game are meant to be like that or meant to be functioning like that (by intention from Nordeus) or they happened because of bugs and flaws. I mean how can some things be of so much nonsense? Only Nordeus knows (or maybe even them don't know). But for sure some undesirable things have been talked about a lot of times by other users in this game on this forum itself, some since years, some since months, and some recently, but so far, there have been no improvements in those areas but there been changes or others new things introduced in the game that only made matters worst.
    Last edited by Tactician; 08-24-2018 at 11:05 AM.
    khris and madflo19 like this.
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  10. #10
    Apprentice John Grant's Avatar
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    I thought you quit already , why are you still here ?
    Dan G likes this.
    Some of you look back and remember how it was while some of us look forward to see what it could become

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