Free kicks can be scored by straight hammered shots or via deflections from a wall, but is the difference between those cosmetic, or are straight goals a sign of a better FK taker? My FK specialist scores only deflections, but still scores a lot, so I haven't had a problem with it. Then I have another guy who's not a specialist but has a high shooting skill. He has rocketed in straight shots a few times when he's been the shooter. He hasn't taken much FK's so can't say if he converts them with a better rate.
So it's pretty certain that there are differences between individual players, not only on how good they are at free kicks, but also on HOW they score from them, like I don't remember my regular shooter having scored straight in competitive matches even though I've surely seen him convert dozens of FK's. Scoring straight of course SOUNDS better because it doesn't need lucky deflections, but is there a real difference in the game?
So, the question is, are straight scored free kicks a sign of a better free kick shooter? What do you think?